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Secrets to a Well Lived Life

As I get older, I feel like life is just passing me by.  And, while I call myself a spinster, I don't consider myself to be that old.  Even though there have been periods lately where I just feel old, like I could be twice my age.   I so badly want to feel alive again.  So, when I saw that my office was offering a lunch seminar on the secrets to a well lived life, I signed up immediately. 

So, what is the secret to a long, and well-lived life?  That secret is connection.  And, there are four areas that we need to re-connect with... food, our bodies, to the people around us, and to purpose.

Food.  In general, as a society, we have no idea where our food comes from.  We don't know if it's locally grown or if it was shipped from half way around the world, and when the fruit or vegetable was actually harvested.  It would be helpful for us to connect to our food, by first knowing where it comes from.  It would be awesome to start my own garden, but my little apartment balcony isn't really conducive to growing much more than a single plant in a pot.  Still, it's something that I'd like to try doing again.  (I tried growing Roma tomatoes a few years ago, but with my previous neighbor smoking weed on the balcony every day, I was afraid of what I was really ingesting.)  Another way to become more connected to our food is by going to a farmer's market, and speaking to the farmers that grow the food.  I was able to find an organic farm in my area that I'm really anxious to try out.  I just have to wake up in enough time to get to their vegetable stand while it's open on Saturdays.  :)

Body.  We all know that we need to exercise more.  Sitting is the new smoking after all.  But, what I found most interesting was that it doesn't have to be an hour long sweat session on the treadmill to count as exercise.  Aside from yoga, I love to walk, and personally find it very therapeutic.  It actually counts as exercise when I go out and walk for 30-40 minutes during my lunch hour!  Let's be honest, if we say we're going to commit to doing a workout of some kind like high interval intensity training, or a spin class, but absolutely hate it... then we're not going to keep it up.  Be honest with yourself about what form of exercise you enjoy and would be willing to do long-term.  I have friends who love body pump classes, lifting weights, and actually enjoy going to the gym.  And, sometimes that can make me feel lazy because I don't like going to the gym.  I hate working out in from of other people.  And, lifting weights is something I've tried, and know myself enough to know that I will never keep that up over the long term.  But, I've still been able to maintain a healthy body weight for many years by simply doing yoga, dancing, and walking.  My doctor always praises me on my weight when I see her.

People.  Some people, like myself, have really lost connection with other people.  I've spoken before about how I'm all business, and really just work through my day checking off my to-do list without really stopping to chat or socialize with anyone.  Unfortunately, I'm working for a paycheck, and not for a living.  Living a meaningful life means being generous to others.  And, that doesn't necessarily mean we need to start making donations to our favorite organization.  While those are good, what we really need to do is to make other people feel special, loved, and just plain seen.  I'm sure we can all remember a time, or periods of time, where we have felt invisible.  Why would we want anyone else to feel that way?  Ask yourself, what's something you can do to make a difference and make a contribution today.

Purpose.  In many cultures, the grandparents live with their children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren, making them important parts of their family.  They become excellent teachers and mentors to their younger family members.  In my culture, that's not necessarily the case.  So, finding purpose when you live alone, and all your friends and family have their own significant others is more challenging.  Part of living a meaningful life, ties into what I explained above.  That, we need to be generous to others.  It really does feel good and give purpose when we are helping someone in some way.  Each person is really good at different things.  So, look at what you're good at, what you enjoy, and what you're passionate about.  That should help to give you an idea of what types of things you could be doing to give you purpose.    



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