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A Week Long Advent Reflection

Today marks the first week of Advent!  This week we are called to be alert, and mindful of how we are preparing for the coming of Christ.  If tomorrow was our judgement day, would we be ready?  I know, I wouldn't.  There just seems like there is so much I need to work on.  There are times when I feel really overwhelmed by this, and have literally just thrown the covers back over my head and took a nap.  But, this is not the first long-term challenge I have faced.  After all, it took me 20 years to complete my formal education, first with grade school, high school, college, and graduate school.  It's also taken 12 years to finally work my way up to a position at work that I really love and enjoy.  This is no different.  Even though it it will take time, we mustn't shy away from our personal journey of growth, whatever that might mean to you.

My Advent e-calendar yesterday provided a wonderful week long activity I wanted to share.  It's such a great way to take a few minutes to self-reflect, and see what we need to change going forward.

"Each night before falling asleep, look over your day to identify God's presence in your day and opportunities you had to reach out in love.  Make a firm commitment to become more alert to the needs around you and to God working in your life."


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