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It's hard to believe that 2016 is almost over.  What a year it has been.  While I feel like I made great strides in personal growth, as well as accomplished a number of my goals, it still feels like I didn't do anything.  There's always that internal nagging that I can do more. 

Even though I hadn't formalized my resolution list yet, I started some of my goals the day after Christmas.  Why wait for January 1, when I can start immediately?  I'm back to a more rigorous exercise routine.  I'm cutting out the bad habits and addictions, and forcing myself to take on challenges, instead of succumbing to not doing anything, or taking the easier route.

My main focus is still on personal growth, and being a better person.  A better friend, a better loved one, a better daughter.  To stop focusing on what I'm not getting, and take pleasure in doing things for others.  What I've learned is that in some cases, once I get what I think I need, I really don't need it anymore.  So, I need to keep that in mind, when I get frustrated because I'm not getting something I want.

2017 Resolutions:

Lose 10 pounds.  Around the middle of 2016, I really noticed my body change.  All of a sudden it was harder to stay at my usual weight.  My metabolism is different than it used to be, and I need to roll with that.  Eat better and exercise more!

Stop my T.V. addiction.  I have a really bad habit of coming home after work, doing my exercises, eating dinner in front of the T.V., and then never getting back up.  I sit there for hours every night.  It's not healthy, and it's keeping me from doing the things I need to do. 

Elevate my standards.  There are so many things out there that I do, that I don't think twice about.  And, there's probably a better way to do those things.  I need to make certain things in my life more of a priority.  For example, in one area, I need to be better about purchasing or making non-toxic products.  Another, would be setting aside time to actually make a healthy dinner.  If I ever have a family of my own, I want these habits to already be a part of me.  I don't want to worry about changing when it happens, because then my future family will suffer because of it.

Do all those things I've been meaning to do.  Even though I live so close, I have never run up the Museum of Art steps in Philly.  I've been promising myself I'd go for years.  Like, 10!  I'm actually going to go in 2017.  Along with that is volunteering, taking classes for fun, and actually using all of my work vacation days. 

Challenge myself.  I took a webinar for brain health a few months ago.  And, what I learned was, in order to have a healthy mind, you need to continue to challenge yourself.  You can never let yourself to too comfortable.  So, when I notice myself get into a groove, it's time to find something more challenging.


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