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As I enter the new year, I feel hopeful.

I came across this quote on Pinterest recently, and it really resonated with me.

So often, I want to avoid the day, and really avoid life in general.  I just want to stay in bed in the morning.  It's not just that I don't like getting up early, or that I don't want to go to work.  I've been wanting to avoid life!  There have been times, too numerous to count, that I would rather pull away from the world and not have to talk to anyone or live up to the expectations.

That funk that I was in, that pity party I was throwing for myself because I wasn't getting what I thought I deserved... pride.  All pride.

No more.

I'm still not a huge morning person.  But, when I get up in the morning, I look forward to seeing what new lessons there will be to learn.  I look forward to growing and challenging myself.  I'm excited to grow my faith.  I feel like I'm finally working towards something important!  I'm not trying to force myself to feel a certain way, or train myself to do something new.  No fake it till you make it.

I've finally found my motivation!

How prideful I am was thrown in my face.  All the many aspects of it.  And, I'm still learning more about it, and all the ways that it touches and destroys lives.  Not just mine, but also the people I come into contact with everyday.

I'm not sure what clicked, because my ex tried to reach me for so long.  And, I just didn't get it.  All I can say is that it must have been God.  There's just no other explanation as to why I feel so different.  Why it feels like a light switch has just been flipped on.


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