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Detox Yoga

It feels like I have devoured an exorbitant amount of food over the last few weeks.  On top of it being Thanksgiving, and eating constantly for days, my best girlfriend was visiting from London!  It's been almost a year since I've seen her.  So, I soaked up as much time as I could get with my bestie, Thus, I ate out and drank more than I usually do.

I'm still down a few pounds from my brief diet before Thanksgiving, but I still have a ways to go.  I wish I had a scale to actually measure my successes and failures. My only measurement is how bloated I feel, and how tight my clothes are.

Our bodies are actually pretty efficient, and are self-cleaning and detoxifying.  But, sometimes we need to give them a little help.  I am a huge lover of all things yoga.  So, my answer to my overeating (and drinking), was doing detox yoga routines all of this week.  Detox yoga tends to include a lot of twists and binds.  By doing twisting poses, we are massaging and compressing the intestines and liver, stimulating our system, which helps to flush out the toxins more quickly. 

I feel so much better than I did at the beginning of the week.  I'm definitely less bloated.  My tummy chunk is smaller than it's been.  (I hate that feeling of my tummy folding over my pants!)  And, even though my diet hasn't been super healthy this week, I still feel less sluggish, my skin looks better, and my digestive system is working better than it has been.

Below are the great detox yoga videos I did this week!  I chose a lighter workout on Thursday, since my workday was longer and more intense than usual.

Leslie Fightmaster Yoga Total Body Detox

Yoga with Adriene - Yoga for a Healthy Liver

Yoga Detox Challenge: Day 1 - Twist and Detox

Holiday Detox Yoga

Lululemon: Detox Yoga


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