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Balancing my Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is located above the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows, but includes the pituitary gland, eyes, head, and the lower part of the brain.  The third eye is associated with intuition, and when open, the emotional and logical side of the brain are able to successfully work together.  A person will not only see what’s going on from an outside or observers perspective, they will also fully understand and be able to absorb the deeper meaning behind situations in everyday life.  

Once I learned about all of the psychological problems associated with an unbalanced third eye chakra, I was amazed, because it’s basically a comprehensive list of all the things that I struggle with.  I am incredibly moody (though I’m getting better), I have difficulty remembering things accurately, have absolutely no common sense, and struggle with learning as well as thinking conceptually.  I’m really anxious to see if by increasing my meditation practices, and some of the other chakra opening exercises below, I’ll be able to increase my levels of common sense and the ability to learn and think in a way that isn’t so analytical.  I always feel like such a bonehead.  If my symptoms weren’t so consistent, I would say I was just burnt out.  Kind of like I’ve had a really intense week at work.  But, it’s all the time! 

Psychological Symptoms:

  • Headaches and migraines
  • Nightmares
  • Seizures
  • Hallucinations
  • Issues with moodiness, volatility, and self-reflection
  • An inability to look at one’s own fears, and to learn from others.
  • Day-dream often and live in a world with exaggerated imagination.
  • Lack empathy for the people in your life, lack common sense, or intuition.
  • Difficulty with memory and learning

Physical Symptoms:
  • Eye problems
  • Glaucoma
  • Ear problems and hearing difficulties
  • Spinal conditions
  • Scalp/hair issues

As with all of the spiritual chakras, meditation seems to be the best medicine.  But, there are some other methods that I’m going to incorporate as well, including:

  • Bee Breathing
  • Listen to classical music, such as Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach.
  • Eat foods high in Omega-3’s.  (An excuse to eat more sushi, yay!)
  • Sit out in the sunshine, as light is the element of the third eye.
  • Flush the liver
  • Acknowledge my fears, as they will tell me what is blocking my ability to see clearly.


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