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Qualities Needed for a Successful Relationship

I seriously struggled when it came to writing my relationship resume.  I'm actually really embarrassed by how little I came up with.  Sometimes, it amazes me how I have any friends.  Because, I really don't see how I contribute to any of the relationships in my life.  So, instead of feeling bad about myself, I'm blazing onward, and am looking for the skills and qualities a woman needs in order to be successful in her relationships.

Looking back at how I used to approach relationships, I think I placed too much emphasis on the nuances of a relationship.  In other words, there are the key foundation blocks needed for a successful relationship.  But then, after that a couple can adapt and be truly happy in a way another couple may not be able to.  I always assumed people would just love me for me, and work around all my isms.  What I've learned over the years is that my isms aren't something that people want to work around, so they avoid me all together.

I found so many websites with qualities that are not only desirable in a woman, but also required for a truly happy and successful relationship.  Below is a pretty comprehensive list of qualities (in no particular order) that I need to have.

I have some work to do! 

  • She shares your beliefs and values.
  • She brings out the best in you, and makes you a better person.
  • She has her own goals and is supportive of yours. 
  • She is respectful to her friends and family, and maintains healthy relationships with them.
  • You're sexually compatible.
  • She's a team player.
  • She has reasonable expectations.
  • She takes care of herself.
  • She accepts your faults.
  • She can cook.
  • She takes care of you.
  • You have similar tastes.
  • She calls you on your bullshit.
  • She makes you feel important.
  • She's confident.
  • She has a hunger to learn new things, and shares the knowledge and/or experiences with you.
  • She values your time alone together.
  • She does not place restrictions on the relationship.
  • She compromises.
  • She respects your family and friends, and the time needed to maintain those relationships.
  • She maintains a healthy relationship with alcohol & socializing.
  • She gives you well deserved compliments.
  • She's faithful.
  • She displays intelligence.
  • She appeases your attraction.
  • She shares in your vision for the future.
  • She loves you unconditionally.
  • She has ambition.
  • She's selfless.
  • She's responsible.
  • She has good social skills.
  • She has a pleasing disposition, and has a calm and quiet spirit.
  • She has emotional stability and maturity.
  • She has a dependable character.
  • She's humble.
  • She's grounded in courage and strength.
  • She is relentless in prayer and intercession.
  • She is generous in resources.
  • She imparts wise advice.
  • She exercises lightheartedness and good humor.
  • She forgives easily, and doesn't hold grudges.
  • She is truthful in speech and motives.
  • She seeks to care for her home.
  • She seeks to serve others.
  • She strives to be a person who can be trusted.
  • She is prudent in financial matters.
  • She is a hard worker.
  • She honors her husband.
  • She's gracious.


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