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Resolutions Check-In

I'm embarrassed to say, that I have completely forgotten about my resolutions for 2018.  I couldn't even tell you what they are, let alone what steps I'm taking daily to reach them.  At the beginning of the year, I was off to a strong start, but since having some large (and wonderful!) life events occur this year, I've completely lost track of some of these goals. 

I've been on a strong path to discovering my purpose, and that above all of my other goals is truly exciting.  I've been going through the BeautifulYOU program developed by Dr. Melody Stevens, and it's really helped to put things in perspective for me.  I still have another week or so to go before finishing the program, but I can't stop talking about it.  Now that I've discovered what I believe to be my purpose, all I really have to do now is take some action.  I'm not exactly sure why that step can feel so difficult, but I'm hoping I'll be able to speak more to that point once I reach the end of this program and journey. 

My other goals have completely fallen to the wayside.  I'm exercising more frequently, but they're super easy exercises.  Though, I'm also incorporating an arm workout to try to get rid of my bat wings.  I'm eating way too much macaroni and cheese and take-out.  And, as far as planning ahead and preparing for tomorrow, I think I'm kind of doing it daily, but I'm not putting a lot of focus here, and I want to.

Even though I'm not exactly where I want to be with certain things, I'm not getting discouraged.  It's only the end of June, and I have six months left to really step things up!

Do more challenging exercises.  I don’t do any type of rigorous exercise.  I enjoy a more restorative yoga practice that I use more to relax my body and refocus my mind.  But, I need to challenge myself more.  And, exercise is one way I can do that.  Whenever I find myself getting stressed, anxious, or angry with someone, I can draw upon my regular yoga practice, and just focus on my breath and the job that needs to be done in front of me.  I figure that if I challenge myself more physically and mentally on my yoga mat, I’ll also be able to deal with more challenging things more easily off the mat as well.
Make Healthy Meals Fit For Company.  Instead of worrying about whether I can make an elaborate Pinterest worthy meal, it will suit me much better to learn some basic, delicious and healthy recipes that I can easily throw together.  More vegetables is also a must!  If I’m hanging out with my friends, and it gets close to dinner time, I’d like to be able to ask them to stay and be able to whip something up without the stress of worrying about what to make.  I will also be planning my meals further ahead than a few days in advance too.    
Plan Ahead, and Prepare for Tomorrow.  There are a number of things that I would like to start doing to prepare for the future.  But, overall, I would like to just get into the habit of thinking about how what I’m doing today, will affect me down the road.  I already do this to an extent.  But, just using the example above of planning out my meals further in advance, is proof that I can definitely improve.

Find Purpose.  There are days where I just feel so lost!  Like, I’m just treading water and going nowhere.  Maybe the answer is continuing to learn, but at a much faster pace?  Or, perhaps I can find a better way to take care of others, including those I love, as well as complete strangers. 


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