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Why Her?

Every morning on my train ride to work, I read the daily reading from the P31 First Five App.  I can get so wrapped up in my mind, and the mental list of all of the things I need to hurry up and do that day.  And, reading this short passage really centers me, and helps to refocus back on what's really important.  So, when the app had a mini notice that this great group of women were doing an online Bible Study, and it was going to be comparison (!), I went out that afternoon and immediately bought Why Her? by Nicki Koziarz.

Comparison is such an issue for me.  And, looking back, I'm not quite sure why I thought I was somehow worse than everyone else in this area.  It gave me such peace of mind to know that I wasn't alone in my struggles.  I guess that's why people say we need other people.  Silly me!

Why Her? did not disappoint.  I would consider it an easy read, but still chock full of lots of great information.  Throughout the book, Nicki walks you through six very valuable and thought provoking truths behind comparison.  She shares some vulnerable moments in her own life, and also walks her readers through the Biblical story of Rachel and Leah.  Oh, those sisters had some comparison struggles! 

This book is super relatable.  And, Nicki just speaks from the heart, making you wish you could sit down, have a cup of tea and spend the afternoon with her.  I breezed through the book well before the six week Bible Study was over. 

I also really appreciated the questions at the back of each chapter.  I have a tendency to read self-help, or self-improvement books like this, without stopping and asking myself how what I just read could be applied to my own life.  So, what always ends up happening is that I have a lot of great new information with no way to relate to it, let alone apply it. 

When you pick up this book, I would also pick up a journal.  You'll need it to answer the questions.  Not to mention, it can be super therapeutic to write out all your thoughts, questions, personal experiences, and resolutions as you work through the six truths of comparison.



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