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There are so many things in this world to distract us, and keep us from doing the work we really need to be doing.  And, by that, I mean the work we all must do on ourselves.  None of us is perfect.  We are each born into different families, in different cultures, and nations.  And, we each grew up in what we would consider our own “normal.”  But, the truth is, along with our genetics, we are shaped by our experiences, and our environment.  We all reach a point, where we must question ourselves, and all those habits and personal characteristics that we consider to be normal.  At some point, we all strive to reach a level of enlightenment.  For me, that came after a painful and confusing period of my life.

What is the truth?  What are my actions really saying?  Is this all in my head?

I imagine that each of us has asked these questions at one point or another.  Did you ever come up with an answer?  I know sometimes, I’ve gotten stuck, and stopped looking for the answers.  I can get distracted so easily by other things that create a feeling of pleasure and enjoyment.  It feels so much better to find something that makes me feel happy, than work through something that can cause me more pain.  But, I think we all know that to work through something personal, while painful, is such a relief in the long run.

I’ve found it helpful to identify what these distractions are, so that I can stay more focused, and make sure that I don’t stray from my desired path.  While reading Lysa TerKeurst’s book, Made to Crave, I learned that we are distracted (or tempted) in three different types of ways – physically, materially, and with personal significance.

Physically, we are distracted by our body’s level of physical comfort.  Are we tired, hungry, or too cold?  I can’t tell you how many times I would make an excuse not to do something simply because I wasn’t physically comfortable.  Hunger is probably my biggest distraction.  I can’t think straight when I’m hungry.  So, now, when it starts to near my usual lunch time, I will try to make myself wait an extra 15, 20, or even 30 minutes just to gain a little self-discipline, as well as prove to myself that I am capable of thinking even when I’m hungry.

Materially we are distracted by all those pretty possessions that we think we just have to have in order to be happy.  We all know money can’t buy happiness, and yet we continue to make impulse purchases, telling ourselves that we deserve a treat.  Do we really deserve a treat, or are we just avoiding the work?

Lastly, we all crave significance.  Sometimes it’s in the form of fame or wisdom, but I think most of us crave the feeling of being significant to another person.  Whether it’s our immediate family, a group of friends, or a significant other.  I’ve spoken before about being guilty of doing anything to fit in and be accepted, but I ended up sacrificing some very important personal values in the process.

Sometimes cravings can be really intense.  But, we must look past these distractions, and look for the truth.  Am I really hungry, or do I just not want to do the task that’s in front of me?  Do I really want that new dress, or do I just want to feel special?  Do I really need to be famous, or am I really just looking to be important in someone’s eyes?  Do I really need the attention from other people, or do I simply need to be satisfied with where I am in my life right now, and find solace with God?

We all need to be aware of what’s distracting us, because it’s only once we’re aware of what’s affecting us that we can make a change.


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