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Showing posts from September, 2016

Balancing my Crown Chakra

At last, I have come to the seventh and final chakra! The seventh, or crown chakra, is located at the crown of the head and is associated with spirituality.   When this chakra is open and balanced, there is a sense of unity, and the realization that everything is connected at a very basic level.   Life has a deeper meaning.   There are no longer limitations of the body.   And, there is a level of selfless devotion to others, because you see them as a part of you, and not separate. If the chakra is over-active you might be considered someone who is “out there”.   And, someone others might find difficulty relating to.   You might have a god-like complex, and consider yourself better than others around you.   If the chakra is under-active, you feel like you lack purpose.   You might feel unloved, are angry and/or bitter, and blame everything outside of yourself.   There are several physical, as well as psychological symptoms: Physical Symptoms : Light sensitivity Headac

Qualities Needed for a Successful Relationship

I seriously struggled when it came to writing my relationship resume.  I'm actually really embarrassed by how little I came up with.  Sometimes, it amazes me how I have any friends.  Because, I really don't see how I contribute to any of the relationships in my life.  So, instead of feeling bad about myself, I'm blazing onward, and am looking for the skills and qualities a woman needs in order to be successful in her relationships. Looking back at how I used to approach relationships, I think I placed too much emphasis on the nuances of a relationship.  In other words, there are the key foundation blocks needed for a successful relationship.  But then, after that a couple can adapt and be truly happy in a way another couple may not be able to.  I always assumed people would just love me for me, and work around all my isms.  What I've learned over the years is that my isms aren't something that people want to work around, so they avoid me all together. I found so

My First Yoga Class

This past Friday, I took my very first, live and in-person yoga class.  Even though I’ve been practicing yoga for over a year and a half now, I’ve only ever practiced from YouTube videos.  A huge savings to my wallet to be sure, but I think there’s something to be said for a live yoga class. The class was held at a local vineyard, and we practiced in between the grapevines.  There are no words to describe the gorgeous scenery.  It was so peaceful!  At first I had trouble settling into the practice because I was on sensory overload.  Not only was I outside, and now dealing with the heat, bugs and grass clippings that were stuck to everything (including my face!), but there were also people sitting next to me!  I was so afraid that I was going to struggle through the class.  The class was an hour long, and my usual at home practices will only last between 20-40 minutes.  I was really pleased that I was able to keep up with everyone else.  That means I’m getting good workouts at ho

I Have Not Forgotten...

Balancing my Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is located above the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows, but includes the pituitary gland, eyes, head, and the lower part of the brain.   The third eye is associated with intuition, and when open, the emotional and logical side of the brain are able to successfully work together.   A person will not only see what’s going on from an outside or observers perspective, they will also fully understand and be able to absorb the deeper meaning behind situations in everyday life.    Once I learned about all of the psychological problems associated with an unbalanced third eye chakra, I was amazed, because it’s basically a comprehensive list of all the things that I struggle with.   I am incredibly moody (though I’m getting better), I have difficulty remembering things accurately, have absolutely no common sense, and struggle with learning as well as thinking conceptually.   I’m really anxious to see if by increasing my meditation practices, and some of the ot

Ways I Drove the Love of My Life Away

If there's one thing I did well in my past relationship, it was driving the love of my life away from me.  I didn't take care of him the way I should have, and I don't want to ever treat anyone like that again.  Writing helps me to think through things.  So, I've compiled a list of things I wish I had done differently, so that I don't make these mistakes ever again. Not making a change, the first time something is brought up.  This was my biggest mistake.  Unfortunately, even though I was hearing what my ex was telling me, I didn't fully understand what he was looking for.  I don't blame myself not fully understanding, or comprehending what he wanted.  I do, however, blame myself for not trying harder.  I should have worked with him to figure out what he was trying to communicate with me.  If, for no other reason, than it was upsetting him.  I always looked at the things my ex would bring up to me at a very shallow level.  And, I would think that all I


I just saw this video, courtesy of my friend's Facebook page, and I had to post it immediately.  Even though I'm far from being a gymnast, this video has a very powerful message, that I don't want to forget. "Don't give up, don't give in. There's always an answer to everything"

Ways I'm Going to be More Emotionally Supportive

There are several ways to be supportive of your relationship partner.   Based on my own opinion, I believe that a good relationship partner is supportive physically, emotionally, and spiritually.   For right now, I’m working on being more emotionally supportive in all the relationships in my life… friends, co-workers, family, etc.   I’ve made the below list of things I need to work on, and am both anxious and nervous to see if I and/or others will notice a difference. As I did my research, I noticed that affection and loving gestures, along with my points below, are also ways to be emotionally supportive.   However, since I’m relatively good with these things, I’m leaving them off my list.   What I found most interesting though, was that based on this study , women put all five of their nearest and dearest friends and family in their inner circle, whereas men, only put their wife in the inner circle, and their other confidants in “outer” circles.   So, men are actually more emoti

Fall Bucket List

It makes me sad to see summer end, and know that I’ll have to put my summer dresses away soon.   But, I’m still excited that’s it’s September.   There is so much that I want to do this fall.   I have quite a bucket list going, and am really anxious for it to cool down enough so that I can start using the oven again.   Go apple picking Make something with said self-picked apples Bake pumpkin bread Go on a hot air balloon ride Go to a wine festival Go on a ghost tour of Gettysburg Try a new German recipe Outdoor yoga Carve a jack-o-lantern