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Chakra Test

As of late, I’ve been feeling rather like an empty shell of a person.  I go through the motions each day forcing myself to complete certain tasks even though I really don’t feel like doing anything.  Yesterday I actually considered not opening my umbrella in the pouring rain to walk between my car and my apartment for the sole reason that I just didn’t feel like it.  I feel lazy and lethargic most of the time.  There are days when it takes all my energy to keep myself sitting upright at work.  I’m tired.  In the past I would have said I’m just burnt out, and that I need a vacation.  I don’t think I always felt this way.  But, maybe I did.  I really can’t recall.  Regardless, something needs to change.  I need to find the purpose for my existence.

As I’ve gotten more and more into the healing powers of yoga and am beginning to explore meditation, it kind of seemed like the natural next step to move forward with understanding the 7 chakras.  After I learned more about what they are, my next question was what chakra or chakras are out of balance?   And what do I even do about it?  I’ve been on the hunt for a good chakra quiz.  There are many of them out there, but I decided I like this one the best.  I plan to use this as one tool to check in with myself and see how I’m progressing.

After taking the quiz, I learned that all of my chakras are under-active.  On a scale of -100% to +100% with 0% being balanced, below are my results:

Root: under-active (-56%)
Sacral: under-active (-38%)
Navel: under-active (-38%)
Heart: under-active (-12%)
Throat: under-active (-31%)
Third Eye: under-active (-44%)
Crown: under-active (-6%)

Since my root chakra is the most under-active, and quite frankly is considered the foundation of the chakras I’m starting with this one.  Literally, I plan to build myself up from the bottom up moving from the root to the crown.


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