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Showing posts from May, 2018

Meditate and Be Gracious

The last couple of weeks have been exhausting, with several people seemingly coming at me and demanding my time, energy, money, and attention.   Unfortunately, I spent a good portion of this past weekend in a bit of funk.   But, I’m happy to say I’ve found my way out of it.   I was able to spend Memorial Day doing some yoga and quietly relaxing, which normally helps.  But, by the end of the day I was so disgusted with my mood that I sat down and meditated for about 5 minutes.   I was so amazed that after only a few minutes, I felt infinitely better.   Proof that meditating can do wonders, even if you only have a few minutes!   I was so excited by my experience, that I wanted to put together a few short guided meditations.   I believe that it really comes down to what you focus on.   If you’re constantly focusing on the negative – what you don’t have, how life isn’t fair, or what others keep taking from you, etc.   – then you’re just going to be miserable.   But, if you can focus on

Thank You Veterans

Thank you to all our veterans, especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, defending our freedoms and this wonderful country. 

Why Her?

Every morning on my train ride to work, I read the daily reading from the P31 First Five App.  I can get so wrapped up in my mind, and the mental list of all of the things I need to hurry up and do that day.  And, reading this short passage really centers me, and helps to refocus back on what's really important.  So, when the app had a mini notice that this great group of women were doing an online Bible Study, and it was going to be comparison (!), I went out that afternoon and immediately bought Why Her? by Nicki Koziarz . Comparison is such an issue for me.  And, looking back, I'm not quite sure why I thought I was somehow worse than everyone else in this area.  It gave me such peace of mind to know that I wasn't alone in my struggles.  I guess that's why people say we need other people.  Silly me! Why Her? did not disappoint.  I would consider it an easy read, but still chock full of lots of great information.  Throughout the book, Nicki walks you through s

Getting Back Into A Routine

After moving on the 12th, I was finally able to start getting back into a normal kind of routine last week.  Including, Yoga with Adrienne overlooking my new backyard!  Unfortunately, this picture isn't the best.  It's been raining for days!  But, the view still makes me happy.  :)  I can't say my moving process was bad, but it definitely wasn't a smooth and easy one.  For the first time, I learned what it means to have to rely on other people to get things done for you.  I don't like it at all.  LOL!  But, we all need to rely on others from time to time.  And, unfortunately, we can't control those people's actions.  Looking back, I would have to say that I could have been more organized, and made more of an effort in certain areas.  So, I'm learning from my mistakes, and keeping my forward momentum.  As I've been telling some of my co-workers lately... I've been learning lots of life lessons!  Unfortunately, our life lessons don't a

A Friday Laugh

Happy Friday!!  We made it!  Ooph.  Oh. My. Goodness.  What a week!  I'm not lying, when I tell you that there was a point, where I almost walked out of my office with no intention of coming back.  I seriously need some time off.  Good thing that Memorial Day is just around the corner!!  One of my old college friends posted this to Facebook, and I find it to be so funny that I just had to share it.  It's pretty much the thing that has kept me smiling at work for the last couple of days.  I hope you find it just as hilarious.  Personally, I think the facial expressions of the guys in the back, are almost more funny than their Cop Captain.  LOLs!


  Wish I didn't always compare myself Wanting what You give to somebody else Wish that I felt a little more content just being me just being me Wish I wasn't stuck on what's going wrong Wish I'd just enjoy this ride I'm on Remember how good You've always been Cause I believe I believe It's enough that You know what I'm needing It's enough just to go where You're leading Keep my feet on the path and my empty hands always reaching up It's enough just to breathe in the moment And wherever I am I can know this If I have nothing else I will always have Your love Your love And that's enough that's enough oh that's enough Gonna be days when I'm falling short Missing every dream that I'm reaching for When nothing in life is going like I wish it would I wish it would But I know even when it falls apart You are still God and You hold my heart This is the valley but You're taking me to somewhere good Some

A Monday Parable

Last week in my Bible Study, we briefly talked about the story of the Laborers in the Vineyard.   I’ll let you read the story for yourself. The Laborers in the Vineyard " For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.   2 After agreeing with the laborers for the usual daily wage,[a] he sent them into his vineyard.   3 When he went out about nine o’clock, he saw others standing idle in the marketplace;   4 and he said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’ So they went.   5 When he went out again about noon and about three o’clock, he did the same.   6 And about five o’clock he went out and found others standing around; and he said to them, ‘Why are you standing here idle all day?’   7 They said to him, ‘Because no one has hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard.’   8 When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his manager, ‘Call the labore

The Healthy Christian Women Podcast

I feel so blessed to have met Melody Stevens last summer, while on vacation.   She is just truly an amazing person, and such an inspiration to those she meets.   Dr. Melody is a physical therapist, runs her own business, and inspires women all over the world to not only grow in their health, but also their spirituality.   I spoke about her private Facebook group, Healthy Christian Women: Mind, Body, and Spirit a couple months ago here .   Her daily devotionals are simply the best, and always help to bring some calm and peace into my day.   Learning about oneself, and gaining a deeper connection with yourself, as well as with God, is such a profound experience.   It’s rare that I ever miss a day.   So, when Melody started the Healthy Christian Women podcast, I couldn’t wait to check it out.   Just like her Facebook group, and overall mission, she aims to help women (and men) to not only get healthier physically, but also grow spiritually, so that we are healthy from the inside out.

Set Your Goals!