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I can’t believe it’s already the end of October.  I’m not sure where the month has gone.  I’ve been wanting to write a post about my month of September, since it was the month I was going to change my life after all!  But, I actually found it really difficult to write.  I mean, how do you write about a feeling?  My experience was a great one.  From the beginning I was dedicated to changing several habits that I had been wanting to change for a while, and also reading the book of Proverbs in an attempt to deepen my relationship with God. 

After the experience, I really just feel different.  That's the only way to describe it.  I feel happier, more grounded and level headed.

As far as changing some of my habits, a few stuck, and a few didn’t.  I was exercising every day, making home cooked meals, avoided eating out, flossing daily, and even taking my vitamins.  However, since the beginning of October, I haven’t been as diligent.  Being busy can seem like such a good excuse!  The last few weeks I’ve slacked off on exercising and eating as well as I’d like to.  I am getting back on track pronto!

I came to the realization that changing my habits would be a great place to start, in regards to all the areas I've been meaning to improve upon for years!  I have this (probably laughable) goal of not only having a career, but being an amazing house wife as well, where I can make a great meal, and create a welcoming and warm home environment.  But if, for example, I don’t really like to cook, and shy away from things because I’ve never done them before, then I’m never going to reach my goals.  So, I’m currently working on developing a new goals list, which includes trying some new recipes!

I really struggle with reading the Bible.  I find the language hard to understand, and really hard to relate to.  I came across, and it made a world of difference.  I feel like I really got a better understanding of God’s message.  You know how you can read the same text over and over, and constantly get something different out of it?  This time, for me, what really stuck out was how much we are encouraged to search for the truth.  We are told to not speak our opinions before we know all the facts, and really just listen and learn.  When we do speak, we should speak thoughtfully, and with purpose.  There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom, and it’s the understanding of concepts and being able to apply them to your life, that shows wisdom.  I still struggle with the application of concepts, truths, and instructions in general, not just those that I read about in the Bible.  But, just like with my yoga, reading and understanding the Bible has become like a practice.  Something to continue to work at.  And, eventually,  maybe I will be blessed with some wisdom and understanding.    


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