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A Little Self-Care

This week I was reminded about the importance of taking care of oneself.  Over the past several weeks, I have really pushed myself at work, at my exercises, and my personal studies, which led me to get less sleep and feel really run down.  Then, last weekend, it hit... sinus congestion.  Ugh!  It's more frustrating than anything, but I still don't feel completely like myself.

When you're a spinster, you become very aware of how much you depend on someone else when you're not feeling well.  There is no one to run to the store to pick up tea or medicine for me.  I have to get up and go myself.  And, let me tell you... it's not pleasant.  I imagine that lots of parents feel this way too, since you really can't call in sick as a parent.  Your kids still need to be fed and looked after, no matter how much you want to sleep all day.

I've watched several friends and co-workers insist that they'll feel better if they go to the gym and really push themselves to get their body temperature up.  Or, as long as they don't stop moving, then they'll be ok.  What actually ends up happening though, is that they get really sick because they didn't slow down (notice I didn't say stop) long enough to allow their body to fight the sickness.  I personally don't like to call in sick, or get to the point where I'm in bed all day.  So, here are some of the things I'm doing to get me through the week, and feeling better more quickly.

Drink lots of fluids.  When you're congested, it's important to drink you're daily recommended amount of water or tea.  This will not only help your body function more efficiently, but it will thin out your mucus, and help prevent blocked sinuses.  If you have a fever, it's also important to put the fluids back into your body that you've sweat out.

Take a hot bath.  I love taking a nice relaxing hot bath at the end of the day.  But, when I'm feeling under the weather, I make it a priority.  Sometimes I'll use some epsom salts, and other times, I use a detox mixture to pull the toxins out of my body.  The steam in the tub helps to open my nasal passages, and it also gets my body temperature up to fight off any infection.

Do some yoga!  A little exercise always makes me feel better because I no longer feel as stiff.  I like this Yoga for Sinus Congestion, or Yoga with Adriene's Yoga For When You Are Sick.  Both practices are short and sweet, and helps to drain your sinuses so that you can breathe.

Sleep with your window open.  My sinuses always seem to open up with the cooler air, and this time of year, it doesn't get super cold.  It's nice to cuddle up, under a big warm blanket, with the windows open.  Depending on how stuffy I am, I may even prop myself up on pillows so that I can breathe well enough to sleep.

Take a Decongestant.  There are so many great over the counter options to choose from.  These decongestants help to reduce the swelling in your nasal passages, and helps to ease the feeling of pressure in your sinuses and relieves congestion.  I tried not to, but I had to start taking something to get through the work day.

To all those experiencing seasonal allergies or a cold, I hope you feel better quickly.  Stay warm, eat some nutrient rich foods, and just overall take care of yourself.  I raise my hot cup of tea to you.  *clink!*


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