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40 Days Without Sugar

This year, I gave up sugar for Lent.  And, I didn't just stop at sweets.  I stopped drinking soda, sugary coffees, energy drinks, protein drinks, and eating barbecue sauce, and ketchup.  I even became diligent about how much sugar there was in the instant soup I was eating for lunches.  At the beginning of the 40 days, I wasn't exactly sure what to expect, what changes my body would experience, or what lessons I was going to learn.

What I ended up learning has been so eye opening, and valuable to me.  I now have a better insight into myself, my habits, and my weaknesses.  I also proved to myself that I'm capable of overcoming what holds me back, no matter what it is.  :)

By far the biggest thing I learned was that I am an addict.  I am addicted to sugar.  And, when I gave up one addiction, I proceeded to my next addiction, which for me, happened to be cheese.  And, then I discovered something delicious... sugar free JELL-O pudding.  After that, I then gave up cheese for pudding snack packs.  Addiction is something that is very obviously affecting my life, and I'm continuing to look for the changes that I need to make so that I no longer maintain an addicts mentality.

I was really hoping that after the end of the 40 days, I would no longer crave sugar.  Those cravings have never fully gone away.  I think I've just gotten used to passing on sweets when the opportunity presents itself, because I like the way I feel when I don't eat it.  But, damn, I am an emotional eater!  When things get rough or stressful, I want cookies.  Like, one of those enormous soft chocolate chip M&M cookies.  I also use it as a way to make myself feel less lonely.  On weekends in particular, while I'm out running errands, picking up a treat or fast food is a way that I make myself feel like I'm worth something.

Lastly, I was less emotional when I wasn't eating sugar.  I definitely experienced less mood swings.  I really noticed it when I re-introduced sweets into my diet.  I ate one of my favorite cookies late in the afternoon one day this week, and by the evening, I felt down, depressed and sad because my blood sugar had dropped.  It's just proof that my body operates better without it.  So, while I'm no longer giving up sweets entirely, I am still maintaining a level of discipline to say "no" when I should, and indulge a little when it's appropriate. 


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