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Oil Pulling

I'm self-conscious about many things, but one that is high on my list would be having bad breath.  I'm always chewing on gum or mints.  So, when I heard about oil pulling, I knew I had to give it a try.

Oil pulling comes from an ancient Ayurvedic practice, which involves swishing a food-based oil around in your mouth.  By doing so, you pull the toxins and bacteria out of your body, while also promoting good oral health. 

To do oil pulling, choose any plant-based oil.  I chose to use coconut oil, as I had it readily accessible.  But, I also want to try oil pulling using, sesame oil, sunflower oil, and olive oil.  Take a tablespoon of the oil, and gently (emphasis on gently!) swish it around your mouth for 10-20 minutes.  I do this first thing in the morning, while I take a shower, and then spit it out in the waste basket when I'm finished.  

After completing a 21-day challenge, I can honestly say that it does produce some great benefits.

For one, my teeth are whiter, and I crave the gum and mints much less than I used to.  My skin has also never looked better.  I used to break out at my jaw line around my periods, but that has subsided.   The only negative side-effect that I've noticed, is that I get thirsty, as I'm essentially pulling the oils out of my mouth.  But, on the plus side, I'm drinking more water!  :)

Some things to note.  For one, never swallow the oil.  You'll be ingesting toxins, and this will upset your stomach.  It's also important to oil pull on an empty stomach.  Our bodies produce bacteria to digest our food, both in the mouth and the stomach.  By oil pulling, you'll be ridding your body of the food digesting bacteria, and can cause nausea or an upset stomach. 

Always spit the used oil into the trash, and never down the sink.  Your pipes will thank you.

Swishing oil around in your mouth for 10-20 minutes can seem like an eternity, so oil pull while you do something else.  I like to do it while in the shower, but have also found it effective to go through my emails, watch TV, or complete some mundane household tasks to make the time go by more quickly.


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