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There is no better time...

…than right now to start making changes. 

Over the summer, I put on some additional weight.  Personally, I blame the cheeseburgers and chili cheese fries on the cruise I took in August.  Regardless of the cause, I haven’t been feeling like myself.  I feel uncomfortable in my own skin.  With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I didn’t want to look at the amazing feast that my family and I put together with dread, knowing that it was just going to add to my expanding waist line.  So, I promised myself that I would lose at least 5 pounds (half the overall weight I need to lose) in the 10 days leading up to the holiday. 

Not an unattainable goal. 

I’m asking for a Fitbit for Christmas, and can’t wait to track all of my activity and vital signs.  But, why wait until Christmas when I can start now?  I’m hoping to lose the additional 5-6 pounds I need to lose by Christmas, but I’ll take another look at my goals after next week.  I want to feel sexy for New Year’s Eve! 

Just this week alone, I’ve been utilizing the following tactics.

Cutting out the sugar.  I don’t really eat a high sugar diet, but there are often leftover cookies and sweets from client meetings that I will frequently indulge in.  Especially, if I’ve been having a rough day.  My desire to lose the extra weight has given me the strength to walk past the cookie trays this week. 

Eating less.  So often at work, I use eating as a reason to take a break.  And, I’m not necessarily hungry or need to eat.  So, this week, I’ve been finding other ways to take a quick 15 minute break, like getting a hot tea instead.  All those additional antioxidants certainly can’t hurt, now that we’re into flu season!  I’ve also been making it a point to eat less at meal time.  Last night for dinner, I ate a small chicken breast and some green beans.  In the past, I would have gone back for seconds.  But, last night I controlled my portion, and this morning I woke up feeling great.

Increasing my cardio.  I love my yoga.  It’s become quite a passion of mine.  But, that being said, while I do get my heart rate up during my practices, I’m not burning enough calories to lose weight as quickly as I want to over the next few days.  So, I’ve been incorporating some barre and kick-boxing exercises into my routine this week.  All the videos I used were free online YouTube videos.  So, I can’t use the excuse that it’s cold and I don’t want to leave my apartment to go to the gym.


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