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Hello June!

It’s June 1st!  How can the year almost be half over!?  It got me thinking about my New Year’s resolutions.  To be honest, I don’t even remember what all of them are.  So, I’m re-posting them below as a nice reminder to myself.  There are some things that I’ve been doing somewhat regularly, and others well… I forgot it was even a goal.

I’m looking forward to this upcoming weekend.  I don’t have anything crazy planned, but I do want to try to hit up my local library to pick up a new book.  I’ve gotten away from reading lately.  And, aside from my resolution to read more classics, I also want to take full advantage of this beautiful weather and read outside on my little patio before it gets ridiculously hot.  Reading outside is such a guilty pleasure for me.  I also want to check out a new local farmers market, go to mass, and possibly take myself out for some sushi and a much needed drink.

New Year’s Resolutions:

Live more like Jesus.  Lately I’ve been very angry and resentful, and I don’t discriminate.  It seems like I’m angry at everyone and everything.  But, the only thing that seems to calm my anger and put me in the right frame of mind is to ask myself, “WWJD?”

Read more classic novels.  I’m not sure how realistic it is to read a book a month, but depending on the size, I think it’s something that I can accomplish.  If it’s Anna Karenina I’ll give myself 2 months.  LOL.

Find balance.  I’m looking for more balance in my life.  I tend to focus so much on one thing at a time that I need to look at the bigger picture and do a better job of keeping everything in line.  I’ve definitely missed out on opportunities in the past because of this way of thinking.

Take more time off from work.  This year I’m losing over 15 days of vacation time.  I know, I know.  My own fault.  I can’t let myself feel guilty for taking days off. 

Find cheap tickets/flights to anywhere.  Traveling is always something that I’ve wanted to do.  Last summer I had the opportunity to visit my bestie in Europe, and it was AMAZING.  I hope to do more of that next year.  This world, with all its issues, is a beautiful place, and I want to experience the many different walks of life.

Listen to more music.  I’m way too attached to the T.V.  I don’t even have cable, but Netflix is still just as bad.  It’s so easy to binge watch a show, and the lack of commercials is glorious. 

Gain control of my finances.  Really my finances aren’t that bad.  But, I could definitely take some more risk as far as making myself more money.  It’s been frustrating living in a duel income society as a single.  I’ve watched my friends be able to afford things I can’t simply because they have double the income. 

Get out more.  This is one that I’ve been telling myself I’ll do more of for what seems like forever.  I figure getting out at least once a month is a more than reasonable goal.  It will force me to socialize and hopefully get past some of my social anxiety issues.  It’s so easy and comfortable being a hermit.  But, that’s not going to get me where I want to be in life.

Try something new every month.  There are a lot of things that I promised myself I would explore and get more involved in after I completed my master’s program.  Unfortunately, I graduated 5 years ago, and many of those things are still a wishful thought in the back of my mind.


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