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Balancing my Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is associated with creativity, sexuality, and pleasure.  Just from taking the chakra tests, I already knew my sacral chakra wasn’t too far off balance.  But, that being said, I in no way consider myself a creative person.  Nor do I consider myself to be good at relationships.  I can only think of two people in the whole world that I feel relatively comfortable opening up to.  And even then, I pick and choose those areas that I open up about very carefully.  Developing deeper and more meaningful relationships is something that I’ve wanted to work on for a while now, but I have this fear that keeps me from moving.  What if I do, and people don’t like me or think I’m crazy?  What if I end up losing those few friends that I currently have?  Oh, the list can go on…

There are multiple symptoms that could be caused by an unbalanced sacral chakra.  Personally, I tend to have more psychological issues that physical.  

Psychological Symptoms:
·         Lack of energy and zest for life.
·         Inability to open up in relationships.
·         Fear of pleasure, deny yourself of things that make you feel good.
·         Lack creativity
·         Low libido or have an inability to derive pleasure from intercourse.
·         Overly emotional, or form unhealthy emotional attachments to people.

Physical Symptoms:
·         Kidney problems and UTI’s
·         Chronic lower back pain
·         Irregular menstruation
·         Sexual disorders

There are multiple healing techniques that I want to try that go beyond meditation.  While meditation is something I’m still doing regularly, below are some other things I plan to integrate into my weekly routine.

Left Nostril Breathing – Simply block the right nostril with your thumb and inhale and exhale through the left nostril for roughly eight to ten breaths.  Left nostril breathing activates the Ida Nerve Ending, which is associated with lunar energy, and therefore, more feminine.  In contrast, the right nostril is associated solar energy and more masculine. 

Hip Opening Yoga Poses – I love hip opening because I sit so much throughout the day.  I’ll be looking for more YouTube videos that target the hips!

Appreciation – I don’t appreciate what I have.  In the past, I would have denied that because I know I’m lucky, and have had a reasonably comfortable life.  However, I’m a moody person and become very angry and irritated when things don’t go the way I want them to.  I’ve spoken before about a co-worker who is a big morning person.  Once I started focusing on all the reasons that I appreciate her being in my life, I’m more open to having our morning chit-chat sessions.

Taking a bath – The sacral chakra is associated with the element of water, so relaxing in water or around a body of water is supposed to aid in opening the second chakra. Besides providing a really great way to relax and keep your emotions flowing, taking a bath is also a good time to appreciate your body for what it is and looking attractive as a male or female. 


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