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Dry Brushing

I can't believe how little I've blogged during the month of March.  It's amazing to me how you expect a certain period of time to go one way and it totally goes another.  Since my life basically revolves around my job, I'm always focused on where we are in a quarterly cycle.  Is it at the beginning, the middle, the end... will I be super busy, busy, or somewhat busy?  Unfortunately, as of late, it seems like I'm always super busy, and therefore, I feel too tired to do anything after work but vegetate and go to bed early.  This needs to stop.  I need more in my life than work.  Now... how to accomplish this... er... yeah.

The good news is that spring is here!  Woohoo!!  I love having the windows open and taking spring drives with the window down and the heat on at my feet.  It's one of the things I love most about this time of year.  Unfortunately, my skin is freaking out.  Stress isn't helping either, but when one day it's freezing and I'm wearing boots and another day it's humid and I have on a t-shirt... my skin is breaking out all over the place.  My face still needs work, but I've definitely found a way to keep my body looking good.  Dry Brushing.  

I've seen dry brushing articles and adds all over pinterest, but I was first introduced to dry brushing from reading  Once I tried it, I would never turned back.  Not only does it increase circulation and get the blood flowing first thing in the morning, but it only takes a minute before I jump in the shower and I love that my skin feels softer and smoother.  You just take a natural bristled brush (basically, one not made from nylon or synthetic materials) and start at your feet with upward strokes.  Some say to do it in circles, others upward strokes.  I usually end up doing a mix of both.  The whole idea is to start at the far ends of the circulatory system and work closer to your heart, so I'll brush my upper back and chest last.  (Note: Girls should not brush their breasts.)

I actually just found this handy little guide online.  Don't you just love Google?

The benefits include:
  • Increased circulation, which is supposed to lead to less cellulite.  
  • Exfoliation.  Dry brushing helps to shed dead skin cells allowing for new softer skin to show.
  • Can improve circulation in the body.
  • Can also encourage lymphatic drainage, which releases the body's metabolic waste, and your body will run more efficiently.
  • Helps eliminate clogged pores.
  • Helps to improve digestion and liver function.  Many naturopathic doctors will recommend dry brushing to help alleviate bloating.


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