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Hello March!

I can't believe March is here.  It's crazy how fast time flies, and how quickly I can fall into a good routine or a rut.  I've seen good results with my February workout challenges, and have already chosen my focus areas for March -- arms and legs.  I'm not going to fear bathing suit season this year!

I'm getting back to a more regular yoga routine.  I've noticed that I'm happier mentally after doing yoga and the days in between what I call my "moody days" are further apart.  I'm also looking to get out of my apartment and get involved in some groups, as well as attending activities and events.  I've been such a hermit due to the cold weather, and am really anxious for spring!

Things are going well in the house hunting department.  I've laid the ground work, now it's just time to find the house!  I'm so excited to not be attached to my neighbors, and with any luck have a parking pad or garage!  With the prospect of moving in the relatively near future, I've been in spring cleaning mode.  Anything I haven't used or worn lately, I've been tossing or giving away.  I've also been saving boxes from things I order in the mail so that I have free moving boxes when the time comes.  It's all I can do to not start packing now.  LOL.  I am ready to go!

I'm going to read more this month.  My NYE goal of reading more is not quite panning out the way I hoped.  I have a stack of books from the library sitting on my coffee table, but per usual, my winter hermit routine includes watching a lot of Netflix.

I feel like I've got a lot of goals and hopes for myself, but beyond my regular exercise routines my day-to-day activities are rather blah.  I go to work, I come home from work, I go to bed.  There's got to be more to life than that!


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