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Showing posts from October, 2017

Forward is Forward

There are definitely days, weeks, or even more extended periods of time when I feel stuck.  I feel like I'm not going anywhere and no matter what I do, and that I'm not making any progress.  But, the truth is, whether we see it or not, every day we get up and continue to work on our goals, is a day that we are moving forward.  We just have to keep persevering despite all the obstacles and distractions.  Think of it this way, we don't value things that come easy!  


I can’t believe it’s already the end of October.   I’m not sure where the month has gone.   I’ve been wanting to write a post about my month of September, since it was the month I was going to change my life after all!   But, I actually found it really difficult to write.   I mean, how do you write about a feeling?   My experience was a great one.   From the beginning I was dedicated to changing several habits that I had been wanting to change for a while, and also reading the book of Proverbs in an attempt to deepen my relationship with God.  After the experience, I really just feel different.  That's the only way to describe it.  I feel happier, more grounded and level headed. As far as changing some of my habits, a few stuck, and a few didn’t.   I was exercising every day, making home cooked meals, avoided eating out, flossing daily, and even taking my vitamins.   However, since the beginning of October, I haven’t been as diligent.   Being busy can seem like such a good

A Hot Pink Straight Jacket and a Sparkly Helmet

There has been a lot going on in my life lately.  I've had several social and family events recently, which is great because I really don't get to see the people I care about as often as I'd like to.  And, on top of that I have been super, ridiculously, insanely busy at work.  So, I'm working long days, and staying up late to complete my at home responsibilities (including exercising), and then doing a lot of traveling back and forth between several different states on the weekends.  I feel like a crazy person!  But, I'm also a happy crazy person.  So, you know... it's not so bad.  :)  I hope everyone has a great week! 

Fighting Fair

I have become a huge fan of Matthew Hussey!  I never miss any of his weekly videos.  They are always full of useful information, and gentle reminders of how to act like a mature adult in relationships.  Something, I personally, can always use a little help with.  Last week, he posted this video on YouTube, and it was such a great reminder to fight fair.  I tend to go silent when someone hurts me because I don't really want to fight.  I don't like the confrontation.  And when I go quiet, I end up bottling up the hurt for a later date.  Then, when that same incident or a similar incident happens in the future, I end up exploding.  Which means, I look like a crazy, emotionally immature person because the incident is normally something small.  But, when you compound it over the course of weeks or even years, it doesn't feel so small.  In my old age, I've learned that open lines of communication in any relationship are super, ridiculously important.  The kind of communi

Ready, Set, Go!

Last week was an intense one.   I worked close to 12 hours every day in order to get everything done.  (Well hello quarter end!)  It's so easy to fall into those patterns of coming home after a long day and forgetting my responsibilities and the goals I've set for myself simply because I've had a long day at work.  Being busy is just an excuse.  There will never be a more convenient time to work towards your goals. Happy Monday!

The Meaning of Life

Last week, I was doing my morning Scripture reading on the First Five App, and the passage just really hit home.  For a long time I’ve had this perpetual feeling of being lost and confused.  I was always asking, “Why?”  Why am I here on this earth?  What is my purpose?  I don’t do anything great, I’m pretty simple minded, and I certainly would not describe myself as a tremendous person.  So, what’s the point of me being here?    Over the years I have defined myself by my grades in school, my career and how important my job sounded, to the clothes I wore, to the places I traveled, or things I did.  Once I figured out those material or superficial things didn’t matter as much, I decided that I would define myself by my relationships.  Because, it’s the people in your life that are important, right?  Except, we can’t control what others do or don’t do.  So, I was left feeling really empty and alone a good chunk of the time.  As I’m writing this, I feel like I sound lik

Time to Take Over the World

Happy Monday!  This weekend was extremely busy.  I had to drive between 85-120 miles a day!  But, it was all worth it.  :)  Here's to savoring that first sip of coffee this morning, and knowing that while tired, life is really good.

A Little Self-Care

This week I was reminded about the importance of taking care of oneself.  Over the past several weeks, I have really pushed myself at work, at my exercises, and my personal studies, which led me to get less sleep and feel really run down.  Then, last weekend, it hit... sinus congestion.  Ugh!  It's more frustrating than anything, but I still don't feel completely like myself. When you're a spinster, you become very aware of how much you depend on someone else when you're not feeling well.  There is no one to run to the store to pick up tea or medicine for me.  I have to get up and go myself.  And, let me tell you... it's not pleasant.  I imagine that lots of parents feel this way too, since you really can't call in sick as a parent.  Your kids still need to be fed and looked after, no matter how much you want to sleep all day. I've watched several friends and co-workers insist that they'll feel better if they go to the gym and really push themselv

Hello October and PSLs!

Now that it's officially October, I'm allowing myself to drink pumpkin spice latte's, and it has truly made my Monday morning a little brighter.  I love how the little things, can make me stop and smell the roses, or coffee, in this case.  It is the start of a new month, and a new week, and for me, the start of quarter end!  I'm going to need a lot more coffee!  LOL. Over the last few weeks, I have really been tested at work.  I can tell that people are being put in front of me so that I can grow and work past some things in my life.  Like, how I can't control everything.  And, no matter what job I work in, there will always be challenging people that I need to work and partner with.   I read something recently that kind of put it into perspective.  Gold, when found in nature, is encased in rock and must be manually removed.  I don't know the science behind it, but these rocks must be crushed, chemically treated, and heated to a really high degree in orde