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Showing posts from February, 2017

Love and Respect

Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs is amazing.  This book is phenomenal, incredible, fascinating, mind blowing... life altering...  I cannot say enough good things about this book! It is seriously LIFE CHANGING!  I am bold enough to say, this has got to be the best relationship book ever written. We all need both love and respect.  However, what I found most staggering, is that men place greater importance on respect, whereas women will almost always rank love as the most important above everything else.  It has completely changed the way that I approach the men in my life. When I want to show someone how important they are to me, I will shower them with love.  If there is a way to show someone how much they mean to me, I will find a way through small thoughtful gestures.  My goal is always to make someone feel loved and special.  I kind of consider myself to be the queen of thoughtful gestures. So, when my ex told me that thoughtful gestures weren't enough, I had

Lessons + Red Velvet Pound Cake

There was a time, when I used to be very anti-Valentine's Day. I was angry and hurt, because I thought I deserved love from someone special, and I didn’t have that in my life.   I would wear all black, and proudly claim that I don't celebrate Single's Awareness Day.  Oh, if I could only go back to that time!   I would tell myself that no one deserves anything unless they work for it.   And, I needed to work to be good at relationships, no different than I had to work to excel in my school studies, and in my dance classes.   I’m ashamed to say that I spent far too many years thinking that I deserved something I didn't, and I maintained an attitude because I didn’t have it.  For me, 2016 was all about self-love.   I spent the year doing things I always wanted to do, even if I had to do it by myself, and I’m glad I got to experience that.   I was expecting the man in my life to provide this sense of security (if that’s the right word), and a constant reassurance that I w

Tell Your Heart to Beat Again

You're shattered Like you've never been before The life you knew In a thousand pieces on the floor And words fall short in times like these When this world drives you to your knees You think you're never gonna get back To the you that used to be   Tell your heart to beat again Close your eyes and breathe it in Let the shadows fall away Step into the light of grace Yesterday's a closing door You don't live there anymore Say goodbye to where you've been And tell your heart to beat again   Beginning Just let that word wash over you It's alright now Love's healing hands have pulled you through So get back up, take step one Leave the darkness, feel the sun 'Cause your story's far from over And your journey's just begun   Tell your heart to beat again Close your eyes and breathe it in Let the shadows fall away Step into the light of grace Yesterday's a closing door You don't live there anymore Say goodby

Oil Pulling

I'm self-conscious about many things, but one that is high on my list would be having bad breath.  I'm always chewing on gum or mints.  So, when I heard about oil pulling, I knew I had to give it a try. Oil pulling comes from an ancient Ayurvedic practice, which involves swishing a food-based oil around in your mouth.  By doing so, you pull the toxins and bacteria out of your body, while also promoting good oral health.  To do oil pulling, choose any plant-based oil.  I chose to use coconut oil, as I had it readily accessible.  But, I also want to try oil pulling using, sesame oil, sunflower oil, and olive oil.  Take a tablespoon of the oil, and gently (emphasis on gently!) swish it around your mouth for 10-20 minutes.  I do this first thing in the morning, while I take a shower, and then spit it out in the waste basket when I'm finished.   After completing a 21-day challenge, I can honestly say that it does produce some great benefits. For one, my teeth are