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Showing posts from July, 2016

Chakra Report: Week 11

I've continued to make progress in regards to balancing my chakras.  It appears that my Root Chakra will always be one that needs maintenance.  LOL.  I had to laugh when I saw the results of my most recent test. It's been a little longer than I had planned before moving on to the next chakra, but you know... life happens.  I've been anxious to start the heart chakra since I first started this little project.  I would assume that it's the one that's most important.  If you ever hear someone speak of a good person, they always mention a huge heart, that's full of love for everyone around them.  I want to be like that.  I suppose that some of it is supposed to come naturally.  Maybe I can't change that I'm not naturally a loving person, but at the very least, I want to alleviate the hate from my life.  I hold grudges way too easily, and can get angry just thinking about some wrong done to me, even if it occurred years ago. Root: under-acti

A Little Pampering

As of late, I’ve been seeking some pampering.   I’ve been thinking about it so often that it actually concerns me, because seeking pleasure in excess is not a good thing.   I accept that I’m after a feeling.   I’m searching for something.   To scratch the surface, I want to feel beautiful, taken care of, and well… pampered.   I’m also thinking this is a way to show myself love?   Maybe a little self-romance?   I know I’ve been feeling a little isolated and unnoticed lately.   I haven’t quite figured it out yet.   But, it’s something that I’m not going to accept at face value.   I made a DIY body scrub several weeks ago, and I’ve been obsessed ever since.   I was amazed, as it seems contradictory, that after using a scrub my skin was no longer dry and itchy.   For months, I’ve been scratching my legs until they either bled or became bruised.   And, no amount of lotion ever seemed to make a difference.   Apparently, the trick behind a good scrub is that it sloughs off the top layer

A Year in Retrospect

It dawned on me recently that I was coming up on the one year anniversary of my very first blog post.   It kind of blows my mind.   Twelve months can go by so fast.   In some ways I feel like I’ve really grown and come into my own.   I love that I’ve come to enjoy learning new things about myself, and finding the true meaning behind the actions I take.   I feel like I’m less likely to be taken advantage of, for the sole reason that I was too simple minded to see what others were actually doing.   Not to mention, all the things I was doing to other people!   I definitely feel more confident in who I am, and what I’m capable of accomplishing.   And, best of all, I actually have proof that I am different.   There is actual, physical proof that I have grown from who I was a year ago.   It’s not just about whether or not I feel that I’m different.   I still have so much more to learn, but at least I can see the progress that I’ve made.   And, that makes me happy. :)

My Road to Decaf Coffee

For a long time, I was drinking one cup of coffee each morning when I got to work.   Something I lovingly referred to as the coffee of nastiness, as the brand of coffee served in my office was quite disgusting.   I constantly felt like I was on an energy roller coaster.   I was either full of energy or totally zoned out,   unable to recall what I did five minutes prior.   I finally reached a point where I didn’t want to be controlled by caffeine, and more as an experiment than anything else, I started drinking only decaf coffee.   I experienced the usual withdrawal symptoms.   It took three days for me to really feel like I was normal, with the third day being the worst day.   I was exhausted all the time, had headaches, and was moodier than normal.   I have a co-worker who almost didn’t survive day three   --   He chews ice twice a day.   But after I got through the withdrawal period, I no longer felt the highs and lows of being addicted to caffeine.   Plus, it was nice t

Dressing for Men

I am a sucker for any article implying that it can help me obtain the effortlessly chic style and sex appeal of a French woman.   So, naturally, I clicked on New York and Paris Style: What’s the Difference?   Camille Rowe is a French born model, and has spent so many years living in both New York and Paris, that she’s able to give a nice perspective between the women living in both cities.   What struck me the most was that New York women dress for other women, whereas in Paris, women dress for men.   I admit that I had a hard time wrapping my head around this statement.   (I’m not the quickest light bulb in the shed.)   When I brought it up to my best guy friend, he said, and I quote, “There are women out there who think of someone other than themselves?   That’s it, I’m going to Paris!”   I still struggled with this.   I mean, I want men to notice me.   Not in the sense that I’m hoping every man on the street will approach me for a date.   But, I want men to look twice when I

Happy 4th of July!!

It’s the 4 th of July weekend!   It’s here at last!!   I don’t have any major plans this weekend, but am still really looking forward to the extra day off from work.   In an effort to change my personal expectations for all major holidays, I am trying to start some of my own little traditions.   I will, of course, be watching some fireworks (as long as the weather holds out), but I also plan to read something about US History.   I picked Thomas Paine’s Rights of Man from my local library this week, and am anxious to dive in.   No one brings a smile to   my face quite like Robin Williams.   I always admire his ability to speak about something super important, and do it in a way that gets people to listen.   I think this video, while incredibly entertaining, has a really good message.   I’ll be picking up my own little American flag for my apartment deck this weekend.