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Showing posts from June, 2016

Balancing my Solar Plexus Chakra

I’m a little embarrassed to say that I didn’t know what the solar plexus was.   I mean, sure, I had heard the term before.   And, knew it was part of the body. But, other than that… not so much.   Turns out that the solar plexus is a group of nerves located in front of the aorta (main artery of the body) and behind the stomach.   This group of nerves is special because it’s a sort of intersection or junction where many of the nerves throughout the body pass through, and sometimes will branch off and split to merge with other nerves.   Literally, a power center of the body. So, it really makes sense that the third chakra centers around your own perception of yourself.   It is the center of a person’s personal power – self-esteem, self-discipline, and confidence of self.   When this chakra is balanced, a person can face challenges, be proactive, and make choices and decisions with confidence.   If your solar plexus chakra is overactive then you’re probably prone to emotional out

Chakra Report: Week 6

It’s been roughly 3 weeks since the last time I took the Chakra Test.   And, while my scores continue to improve across the board, my sacral chakra is ironically the only one that went in the wrong direction, and became slightly more unbalanced.   To be honest, I didn’t focus too much on the sacral chakra in particular.   I just continue to meditate, focusing on my breath, as an overall method to becoming more balanced. Root: under-active (-12%) Sacral: under-active (-12%) Navel: under-active (-12%) Heart: open (12%) Throat: under-active (-25%) Third Eye: under-active (-31%) Crown: open (6%) Even this very minor set-back sets off my insecurities.   I feel like I could have done better, and should have focused more on my sacral chakra, like I told myself I was going to do.   Light bulb! Maybe it’s not so much the fact that I didn’t improve, as

Inferiority Complex

I am seriously starting to feel like a hypochondriac.   As I learn more about myself, I keep finding areas that need work.   Like, serious work.   Is it really possible for someone to have so many issues!?   There are days when I think I should be committed, or find a way to live out my life completely detached from others so that I can’t possibly irritate or hurt anyone else.   When I think about the damage that I could have caused, and probably did cause to those around me because of my issues, it makes me want to cry.   I mean, I called these people friends! I was talking with a friend of mine a week or so ago, and all of a sudden it hit me… oh, my goodness, I think I have inferiority complex.   I honestly wish I could remember the conversation leading up to this life changing discovery about myself.   But, once I put what I assumed was the correct term – inferiority complex – to what I was thinking and feeling, life just somehow made so much more sense!     Yes, I comp

The International Day of Yoga

It’s the International Day of Yoga!   I learned this fun fact while reading TheSkimm this morning, and the news immediately brightened my day.   I usually don’t get into International Days of anything.   Except maybe International Ice Cream Day or International Wine Day.   :)   But, this… this I can get behind.   I’m super excited to go home and hit the mat as they say.   Since I’m a huge dork, I totally looked up the history of the International Day of Yoga.   This article was pretty interesting.  

School's Out For Summer!

Yesterday was the last day of school for all the kids in my area.   I haven’t been in school for many, many, many years, but it still makes me think of the Alice Cooper song.   I smile when I think of that sense of freedom I used to get when school let out for the summer.   There’s something to be said for having nothing on your schedule for three months.   I did finally take some much needed vacation time the last two days.   I refused to even look at my emails, and thus came back to over 450 of them this morning.   Luckily nothing blew up, so you know… it’s been a good day back to work.   :)   On Wednesday, I took a day trip to Washington, DC.   I’ve been wanting to do this for a number of years now, but have always made some excuse to not go.   I'm making this year about new experiences and expanding my horizons, so I mustered up my courage, told myself to stop being a wuss, and off I went on my adventure.   I’ve been to my nation’s capital before, and have seen many o

Balancing my Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is associated with creativity, sexuality, and pleasure.   Just from taking the chakra tests, I already knew my sacral chakra wasn’t too far off balance.   But, that being said, I in no way consider myself a creative person.   Nor do I consider myself to be good at relationships.   I can only think of two people in the whole world that I feel relatively comfortable opening up to.   And even then, I pick and choose those areas that I open up about very carefully.   Developing deeper and more meaningful relationships is something that I’ve wanted to work on for a while now, but I have this fear that keeps me from moving.   What if I do, and people don’t like me or think I’m crazy?   What if I end up losing those few friends that I currently have?   Oh, the list can go on… There are multiple symptoms that could be caused by an unbalanced sacral chakra.   Personally, I tend to have more psychological issues that physical.    Psychological Symptoms : ·