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Showing posts from March, 2016

Happy Easter!

Dry Brushing

I can't believe how little I've blogged during the month of March.  It's amazing to me how you expect a certain period of time to go one way and it totally goes another.  Since my life basically revolves around my job, I'm always focused on where we are in a quarterly cycle.  Is it at the beginning, the middle, the end... will I be super busy, busy, or somewhat busy?  Unfortunately, as of late, it seems like I'm always super busy, and therefore, I feel too tired to do anything after work but vegetate and go to bed early.  This needs to stop.  I need more in my life than work.  Now... how to accomplish this... er... yeah. The good news is that spring is here!  Woohoo!!  I love having the windows open and taking spring drives with the window down and the heat on at my feet.  It's one of the things I love most about this time of year.  Unfortunately, my skin is freaking out.  Stress isn't helping either, but when one day it's freezing and I'm wearing

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!

Getting Back to my Routine

Last week was rough.   I found out that my grandfather had passed away last Sunday evening.   And, while he was 101 years old, and we all kind of expected it, it still sucked.   All of a sudden my week became engulfed in scheduling time off work, doing loads of laundry, running errands, and making travel plans.   I actually struggled with getting upset.   It’s like I couldn’t cry about it, which alarmed me.   My initial thought is that it was because I was so focused on just getting to where my family was, that I didn’t allow myself enough down time to think about what had happened.   That I had lost my grandfather, who was an amazing man in so many ways.   I got back to my apartment Saturday afternoon, and was really feeling the emotional effects of the week.   I didn’t want to talk to anyone.   I just wanted to be left alone.   People commented on my moodiness and that I sounded depressed, but I really didn’t have the energy to be perky.   It made me realize how much I put on

Hello March!

I can't believe March is here.  It's crazy how fast time flies, and how quickly I can fall into a good routine or a rut.  I've seen good results with my February workout challenges, and have already chosen my focus areas for March -- arms and legs.  I'm not going to fear bathing suit season this year! I'm getting back to a more regular yoga routine.  I've noticed that I'm happier mentally after doing yoga and the days in between what I call my "moody days" are further apart.  I'm also looking to get out of my apartment and get involved in some groups, as well as attending activities and events.  I've been such a hermit due to the cold weather, and am really anxious for spring! Things are going well in the house hunting department.  I've laid the ground work, now it's just time to find the house!  I'm so excited to not be attached to my neighbors, and with any luck have a parking pad or garage!  With the prospect of moving