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Showing posts from 2015

Hello 2016!

I’m gearing up for 2016, and in looking back over the last twelve months, I’m happy with my accomplishments and the progress in personal growth that I’ve seen in myself.   I’ve definitely been pushed past where I ever thought I would be.   And, in the process, have learned more about myself and the type of person that I want to be.   I’m looking forward to 2016.   This will be my year!     There are so many things I want to do and accomplish that it was hard to narrow down my resolutions/goals list to something that was within reason.   I’m very impatient and would prefer to just tackle everything at once and get it over with.   But, it’s more the journey than the destination, right?   My biggest goal for 2016 is to find love.   It may not be in the way that I choose because it seems like fate plays a hand in whether or not we meet that right person.   But, maybe it will be in loving myself more and finding an inner peace.   Regardless, I’m not going to let life happen to me an

The Real Meaning of Christmas

Merry Christmas Eve!

Where do you think you're going? Nobody's leaving. Nobody's walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas. No, no. We're all in this together. This is a full-blown, four-alarm holiday emergency here. We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fucking Kaye. And when Santa squeezes his fat white ass down that chimney tonight, he's gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse.  Merry Christmas Eve!   National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is by far one of my most favorite Christmas movies of all time.   I mean, the entire movie is basically a string of really great quotes.   And, I think the movie touches on something we’ve all experienced at some point.   We all strive for that perfect Rockwellian family Christmas, but the more people you try bring together the higher the likelihood that things will not go as planned and you have to


I started doing yoga roughly one year ago.   I was at a point in my life where I knew I wanted to make some changes to who I was, and I imagine because it’s the easiest thing to do, I turned to a new exercise routine and healthier eating habits first.   I decided to try looking at YouTube for exercise videos since I’m always trying to find a more economic way to do things.   And, in doing so, I came across 30 Days of Yoga by Yoga with Adriene, and while it took me about 45 days to get through my 30 days of yoga commitment, I found several benefits to completing a practice video several times a week.   I can’t say enough good things about Adriene and her videos.   Having tried multiple instructional yoga videos, the Yoga with Adriene channel is by far my favorite.   She makes yoga so accessible to the common person or new yogi/yogini.   It’s not so much about doing a movement perfectly but rather finding what feels good for you in that movement.   Some people are more flexibl

Passages in Literature

I came across this website this morning, and I found it to be so beautiful.  I've always loved to read, but typically lean towards romance novels -- what I like to call my guilty pleasure books.  This article has really motivated me to read more classics.  I simply can't get enough!  These passages are just so thought provoking and beautifully written. 


A few weeks ago, I was feeling very apathetic about everything.   I reached a point where I started to not really care about anything, and actually spent one weekend in bed for the sheer reason I was just tired and didn’t feel like thinking or dealing with anyone.   A friend pointed out my behavior, and it got me curious about why a person would become apathetic and lethargic.   In my usual fashion I didn’t feel like thinking and reached out to Google to give me some quick insight.   I was fully expecting depression about something to be the reason, but many of the articles were about burnout.   And, the more I thought about it, the more I agree, that yes, I am experiencing some burnout.   Between stress at work, running errands prepping for the holidays, lack of time spent with friends, and trying to constantly be my most perfect self… I’m exhausted.   I can’t even imagine throwing a spouse or kids into the mix. According to Forbes, some common symptoms include: ·        

Happy December!

Oh my goodness, it’s December.   I’ve been thinking quite a bit about what I want to accomplish before the end of the year.   I actually did pretty well in regards to my 2015 New Year’s Resolutions.   While I’m getting back into my “go, go, go” mentality after my little Thanksgiving break, I do need to make sure I take some time to relax and find some time to enjoy doing nothing.   Regardless, below are my monthly goals. Get back into my exercise routine.  I heart Thanksgiving stuffing, but it does not heart me. Don't indulge in too many sweets, which is so easy to do at work. Decide on my New Year's Resolutions. Actually write out my weekly list of goals and post them on my refrigerator. Continue to research all the things that I need to keep in mind when purchasing a house.


As Thanksgiving approaches, aside from being totally consumed with cooking and cleaning in preparation for company, I’ve been thinking quite a bit about what I’m thankful for.   I can be a really negative glass-half-empty type of person, so it’s not always easy to see all those blessings that I have in my life.   But, without a doubt, I know I’m blessed with some amazing family and friends.   My view on that is solid.   :)