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Why I Love Tapping

I am on a quest to be the best me possible.  And, that includes finding a way to replace my anger and resentment towards others, with loving kindness.  In the book Judgment Detox by Gabrielle Bernstein which I wrote about here, she brings you through several methods to foster compassion and love towards yourself and others, so that you may ultimately get to the point of forgiveness.  Tapping happens to be one of the methods I have found to be the most helpful.

Tapping, also known as EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques, is based on a combination of principles found in acupuncture and psychology.  Tapping certain meridian points on your body, while focusing on negative emotions or physical sensations, aids in the calming of the nervous system and helps to rewire the brain in healthier ways.  It sounds kind of hokey, but I’ve actually found it really helpful. 

Gabrielle walks you through a few types of EFT sessions, depending on whether you’re suffering from judging others, feeling judged or feeling shame.  I’ve written out the session on judging others, as it has helped me the most.  Give it a shot.  I can guarantee you’ll feel mentally, emotionally, and even physically lighter.


 Begin tapping on the karate chop point with the other hand, while repeating out loud three times: Even though I can't stop judging this person, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Then continue tapping on the other meridian points outlined above.
Tapping on the eyebrow: I can't stop judging.
Tapping on the side of the eye: It feels so good to judge them.
Tapping under the eye: Judging makes me feel better about myself.
Tapping under the nose: And, this person really deserves my judgment.
Tapping on the chin: They've done so much to make me want to judge.
Tapping on the collarbone: They deserve it, after all.
Tapping under the arm: I feel justified in my judgment.
Tapping on top of the head: They deserve it!
Tapping on the eyebrow: If I give up judgment, I will be giving in.
Tapping on the side of the eye: I don't want to stop judging.
Tapping under the eye: Judging makes me feel better about myself.
Tapping under the nose: I believe I deserve to judge them for this.
Tapping on the chin: They've made me really upset.
Tapping on the collarbone: They've really gotten under my skin.
Tapping under the arm: They deserve it!
Tapping on top of the head: They deserve it!
Tapping on the eyebrow: They've upset me so much!
Tapping on the side of the eye: I deserve to judge them for what they've done.
Tapping under the eye: I just can't let it go.
Tapping under the nose: How could someone be that way?
Tapping on the chin: I'm so triggered by them.
Tapping on the collarbone: I'm so annoyed.
Tapping under the arm: I'm so aggravated by them.
Tapping on top of the head: They deserve it!
Tapping on the eyebrow: All this judgment.
Tapping on the side of the eye: I feel it's justified after all they've done.
Tapping under the eye: I have so many reasons to judge this person.
Tapping under the nose: It feels so good to judge them.
Tapping on the chin: I feel safe when I judge them.
Tapping on the collarbone: I judge to protect myself.
Tapping under the arm: I need to do that because deep down I feel shame.
Tapping on top of the head: I want to heal my shame.
Tapping on the eyebrow: All this shame.
Tapping on the side of the eye: I don't even want to acknowledge it.
Tapping under the eye: I have to judge to avoid this shame.
Tapping under the nose: It feels safer to judge.
Tapping on the chin: I'm afraid of my shame, so I judge.
Tapping on the collarbone: I'm afraid of my shame.
Tapping under the arm: But I want to release it.
Tapping on top of the head: I want to heal my shame so I can stop judging.

Continue tapping through the negative rounds, until you feel a sense of relief.  Once you do, begin with the positive rounds.
Tapping on the eyebrow: But judgment doesn't really make me feel better.
Tapping on the side of the eye: Love actually makes me feel a lot better.
Tapping under the eye: But judging just seems easier.
Tapping under the nose: If I released judgment, who would I be?
Tapping on the chin: I guess I'd be left with me.
Tapping on the collarbone: Being me may be better.
Tapping under the arm: I have to release judgment to love myself again.
Tapping on the top of the head: If I release them, I will be free.
Tapping on the eyebrow: All the energy I spend judging could be spent on feeling good.
Tapping on the side of the eye: I could use the energy more wisely.
Tapping under the eye: And I could increase my energy by choosing to love rather than judge.
Tapping under the nose: I can also see that I'm judging a person who is in pain.
Tapping under the chin: I can see them with compassion.
Tapping on the collarbone: I can see that they're in pain.
Tapping under the arm: I want to send them love and prayers.
Tapping on top of the head: They just want to be happy.  Just like me.
Tapping on the eyebrow: I want to be happy.
Tapping on the side of the eye: Releasing judgment sets me free to be happy.
Tapping under the eye: I'd much rather feel free.
Tapping under the nose: I choose to send love to this person.
Tapping on the chin:  That love will clear my blocks.
Tapping on the collarbone: And I will feel that freedom.
Tapping under the arm: I choose love.
Tapping on top of the head: I choose to be free from judgment.
Tapping on the eyebrow: I want to be happy and free.
Tapping on the side of the eye: I want to forgive so I can feel good.
Tapping under the eye: I don't want to feel judgmental anymore.
Tapping under the nose: I pray for this person to feel good too.
Tapping on the chin: That love will clear my blocks.
Tapping on the collarbone: All I want is happiness.
Tapping under the arm: I choose happiness.
Tapping on top of the head: I choose to be free from judgment.

Go through the positive statements as many times as you need.  At this point you should feel a huge sense of relief, and possibly even feelings of genuine love and caring for the person you have been judging.  I've worked through this twice now for two different people in my life, and my feelings of anger and resentment towards them, have greatly diminished.  I can now see both individuals as human beings who feel, struggle, and hurt, just like I do.  As opposed to some force of evil, who doesn't feel and knows exactly how they affect others.  It has felt so great to feel some of the weight I've been carrying, lifted from my shoulders!


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