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Showing posts from October, 2018

Happy Halloween!

I realized that I've been putting a lot of things off lately, which has been making me feel lazy.  So, this week, I will be focusing on getting those things done that have been on my to-do list for weeks, dare I say months.  I haven't fully grasped how time can just get away from me the way it does, but that's not the type of life I want to live.  I typically like to point out how I'm going to stop the bad habit, but I'm not exactly sure what to do here.  As always, I try to find the balance.   It's the week of Halloween, and I couldn't be more excited.  For the first time, I live in a place where I will get trick-or-treaters!  I still have to buy and carve a pumpkin, but at least I can say I have all the candy I need.  Minus the several pieces that I've already eaten...  😋😉

If You Want Love

I just need some time, I'm tryna think straight I just need a moment in my own space Ask me how I'm doin', I'll say, "okay" Yeah, but ain't that what we all say? Sometimes I think back to the old days In the pointless conversations with the old me Yeah, back when my momma used to hold me I wish somebody woulda told me If you want love, you gon' have to go through the pain If you want love, you gon' have to learn how to change If you want trust, you gon' have to give some away If you want love, if you want love Look, as a kid I used to think life Is moving so slow, I watch it go by Look out the window on my bus ride I thought the world was so small, through my closed eyes I've always tried to control things In the end that's what controls me Maybe that's why I'm controllin' I wish somebody woulda told me If you want love, you gon' have to go through the pain If you want love, you gon' have to learn how to change If

Be Kind

Why I Love Tapping

I am on a quest to be the best me possible.  And, that includes finding a way to replace my anger and resentment towards others, with loving kindness.  In the book Judgment Detox by Gabrielle Bernstein which I wrote about here, she brings you through several methods to foster compassion and love towards yourself and others, so that you may ultimately get to the point of forgiveness.  Tapping happens to be one of the methods I have found to be the most helpful. Tapping, also known as EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques, is based on a combination of principles found in acupuncture and psychology.   Tapping certain meridian points on your body, while focusing on negative emotions or physical sensations, aids in the calming of the nervous system and helps to rewire the brain in healthier ways.   It sounds kind of hokey, but I’ve actually found it really helpful.   Gabrielle walks you through a few types of EFT sessions, depending on whether you’re suffering from judging others,

Don't Lose Focus

I realized lately that I’ve started to lose my drive and focus when it comes to personal growth and improvement.   I hit, what felt like a major milestone a couple weeks ago, and I think in a way I felt like I could take a break.   And, while a break is ok, my “breaks” tend to last too long, or I simply stop entirely.   I recognize that I need to keep going on my current path.   Because, if I stop now, it could set me back.   And, I’m so tired of being set back, and being left behind.   What are those things that you’ve been putting off?   What is something that is undone in your life?   Get on it girl!  Even if you don't finish the task, start it today !

Find Peace in the Storm

We all have storms, or difficult times, in our lives that come and go.   It is in those times that we need to remember that even though we feel alone, God is, in fact, with us.   He is constantly giving us help, if we are only open to seeing it. These hard times force us to grow as people.   They give us the knowledge and experience to weather even stronger storms in the future.   And, most times, they bring us closer to God. Remember that peace is not the absence of a storm, but rather finding tranquility while the storm rages around us.   Have faith.   Have hope.   Because it will get better, and you’ll be a wiser person because of it.