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Showing posts from August, 2018

#15Pages A Day

  Growing up, if someone had asked me what my favorite pastime was, I probably would have said reading.   I was definitely a diehard Babysitters Club fan.   And, as I grew, my taste in books also evolved.   However, once I entered college, I stopped reading as much for pleasure, if at all.   If I was going to spend time reading, it needed to be for the benefit of whatever class I was taking.   And, as of late, it’s only been self-help books.   Anything to get myself to grow, and move forward.   But, man I miss reading.   Sans the constant feeling of, “I just need to get through this.”   I’ve never gotten into reading books electronically.   Sure, it’s more economical and probably better for the environment, but there is just something about holding a book, feeling it’s pages, and oh the smell !   I’m a total nerd, but I loved the smell of my college library.   I heard about the #15Pages A Day Pledge on The Stripe , which is probably my most favorite blog of all time.  

Worry About Loving Yourself

Trying to be what other people want in order to be loved, is a never ending battle that cannot be won.   I’ve been way too focused on the idea that if other people love me, it proves that I am important, and that my life has meaning.   But, the truth is I can’t rely on others to make me feel that way.   I just need to live up to my own standards, so that when I look in the mirror, I’m happy with who I see.

Ways to Help Others

It’s been several weeks, dare I say months, since I completed the BeautifulYOU Program developed by Dr. Melody Stevens.   It was during this program that I realized, trying to be a good person in order to receive love from others, wasn’t exactly a healthy goal.   Instead, because we need to give love as much as we need to receive love, I decided my life goal would be to start helping others and finding ways to focus on giving back.   Let me tell you how much I have done in regards to moving forward with my goal.   Nada. I can give a million excuses as to why I haven’t done anything.   But, the truth is, I didn’t make it a priority, and put my time and energy towards other things.   But, I digress. As my first step in moving forward with my goal, I wanted to come up with a list of small things I can do every day in order to make life a little easier for other people.   When it comes down to it, I think we’re all a little selfish, and focused on what we’re currently t

Be Pretty

I've always been super self-conscious about the way I look.  I have small eyes, big cheeks, and suffered from acne from about 3rd grade until I was well into my twenties.  So, I put a lot of emphasis on how I dressed and the types of clothes I wore.  I became very focused on my image.  And, while I still enjoy fashion, I no longer use it to define myself.  I find life to be so much meaningful and fulfilling now that I put more emphasis on how I treat others, how I react to situations, and how I learn from my mistakes.  Let's make sure we stay focused on what's really important in life, and not get distracted by all the shiny and pretty things. 

School Supplies for Us Adults

I had such a bonehead moment last week.  I was walking through the store, and it struck me that all the school supplies were out.  Why are all the school supplies out?   Oh yeah… because it’s August.   Ergo, it’s back to school!    I’m sorry, when did it become August?    There’s a part of me that really misses school.  I can remember being that nerdy kid who was excited for school to start in September.  I would pack up my backpack with all my supplies, and know that I was going to fill my notebooks with all kinds of great information.  I was always determined to make the honor roll, and be that much smarter than I was the year before.   Even though my formal schooling years are behind me, I still enjoy learning new things, as well as the work that I do in my job.  And, what is more fun that going to work and getting to use super fun supplies?!  I decided to round up some fun office supplies below for us adults.    Who said the kids get to

Don't Try to Manipulate the Outcome

Sometimes there is something in life that you want so badly, you'll do anything you can to get it.  But, unfortunately no matter how hard you try, things may not always go the way you want them to.  You have to admit to yourself, that there are things outside of your control.  Which is so unbelievably frustrating!  So when I came across this saying on a friend's Facebook feed, it seemed like it might be the time to stop dwelling on what I don't have, and start focusing on what I do.  Maybe I don't really need, what I think I want? 

How I'm Preparing For My Future

As someone who is single, I worry about who will take care of me as I age.  Or worse, what if something happens, and I can’t take care of myself now?!  I never want to be a burden to someone else, nor do I want to cost someone else their future, because of my lack of preparation.  So, when I came across the Single But Not Alone article in Kiplinger’s July issue, I felt this huge weight lifted from my shoulders.  Because, I now have some specific steps to take in order to successfully prepare for my future.  There are a number of things in the article I think I’m too young to be worrying about just yet, but there were a couple that I feel I could start doing today.   For one, I need to start putting more money into savings.   Like most, I thought as long as I had at least three to six months in savings for an emergency, I was ok.   But, as a single, unexpected emergencies will impact me more than my married friends.   And, therefore, I’m going to be aiming to have nine to