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Fighting the Plateau

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been feeling like I’m in the middle of a growth plateau.  Like, no matter what I do, or the new things I learn, it doesn’t feel like I’m moving at a pace that’s productive.  Upon some internal review, I believe I feel this way because I don’t have a clearly laid out path of tasks or objectives.  Sure, there are things I want to accomplish.  But, there’s nothing that seems so overwhelmingly urgent, I already know what my next move is.
So, what’s a super Type A control freak to do? 

Why make a list of course!

First, I’m taking a look at all of my daily habits and routines.  And, asking myself, what can I do better?  How can I be more efficient?  There are some things I’d like to add into my daily routine.  Like, juicing, for instance.  I will face some discomfort, and fight that age old inner argument that says, “It’s not that big of a deal if you don’t do this.  The world will not end.  You can just start tomorrow.”  But, the truth is, when I say that to myself, it never gets done.  And, I mean never.  There are so many things that I wish I had accomplished already, but I never made it a priority.  And, those goals have always been “someday when I have time” goals.

Second, find a couple of things that I’ve been meaning to do for ages and actually lay out a plan to do them.  Even if I set aside a few minutes a day or a week, at least I’ll be making progress as opposed to getting absolutely nowhere.

An exercise that I’ve found to be super helpful, is to write out in extreme detail what your perfect life would look like.  And, then see what small steps you can do now that would get you closer to that vision.  For me, I would love to be able to get up at the same time I do currently (5am) and still find the time to exercise, do my hair (which takes about an hour), juice, and enjoy a protein packed breakfast while reading something intellectual and watching the sun rise.  All before heading out the door, to go to work.  Let me tell you how no matter how efficient I am, all of that will not fit into my existing morning routine.  And I  am not getting up at 4 am, which is what this dream of mine would require.  I can, however, find ways to do all of this.  For one, perhaps it will work to wash my hair at night.  And, with a little forethought, I can have a pre-made breakfast ready to grab-and-go as I head out the door.  I could probably juice the night before, or perhaps save it for part of my evening routine.  Either way, there’s no sense in telling myself something can’t happen, when clearly it can. 


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