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Showing posts from July, 2018

Keep Your Head Up

I've been waiting on a sunset Bills on my mindset I can't deny they're getting high Higher than my income, income's bread crumbs I've been trying to survive The glow that sun gets right around sunset Helps me to realize This is just a journey Drop your worries, you are gonna turn out fine Oh... You turn out fine Fine, oh, you turn out fine But, you gotta keep your head up, oh oh And you can let your hair down, eh eh But, you gotta keep your head up, oh oh And you can let your hair down, eh eh I know it's hard (know it's hard) To remember sometimes But, you gotta keep your head up, oh oh And you can let your hair down, eh eh eh eh I got my hands in my pockets kicking these rocks It's kinda hard to watch this life go by I'm buying into skeptics Skeptics mess with the confidence in my eyes I'm seeing all the angles thoughts get tangled I start to compromise my life and my purpose Is it all worth it? Am I gonna turn out fine? Oh oh, you turn out fin

Another Year Older...

Wow, I can’t believe it’s been three whole years since I started this blog.  It’s kind of crazy to look back and see how far I’ve come, and how much I’ve grown.  I feel happier, stronger, and more at peace as a person now, than ever before over the span of my life.  I won’t lie… I’m kind of proud of  myself.   That being said, there is still work I want to do, and goals I want to accomplish.  So much so, that I often feel super anxious because I feel like time is just running out.  But, I think as long as I stay organized and on top of my goals, I’ll accomplish what I want.  (Hopefully!)   There are so many things that I’m looking forward to.  For one, my bestie is getting married!  So, I’ll be traveling to Italy for the first time for the wedding.  And while I’m over in Europe, I also hope to make a stop in Paris!  I’m also looking forward to making my new house, more of a home.  I’ve lost some steam with getting everything in order, but I hope that in the

Have A Talk With The Lord Today

Fighting the Plateau

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been feeling like I’m in the middle of a growth plateau.   Like, no matter what I do, or the new things I learn, it doesn’t feel like I’m moving at a pace that’s productive.   Upon some internal review, I believe I feel this way because I don’t have a clearly laid out path of tasks or objectives.   Sure, there are things I want to accomplish.   But, there’s nothing that seems so overwhelmingly urgent, I already know what my next move is.   So, what’s a super Type A control freak to do?   Why make a list of course! First, I’m taking a look at all of my daily habits and routines.   And, asking myself, what can I do better?   How can I be more efficient?   There are some things I’d like to add into my daily routine.   Like, juicing, for instance.   I will face some discomfort, and fight that age old inner argument that says, “It’s not that big of a deal if you don’t do this.   The world will not end.   You can just start tomorrow.”   But, the

What We Do Has Consequences

We've all heard it a thousand times.  No matter what we do, there are consequences.  But, lately this statement has become more meaningful for me. I had a co-worker (she has luckily moved on) who was someone that I would not consider to be a "worker."  She was always late or called out, took long lunches, and when she was at her desk, she was very distracted by other things.  She also didn't follow written procedures well, so instead of looking something up, she would ask the same question a million times.  Even though we badly needed the help, no one wanted to give her anything to work on, because you had to go behind her to not only make sure it was completed, but completed correctly. My group had fought so hard to make a case as to why we needed an additional position created.  Unfortunately, because we worked around this woman, it looks like we really didn't need the additional person to help with the team's workload.  Now that she's moved on, we&#

No More Bat Wings!

There are a few things I'm self conscious about when it comes to my body, and one of the big ones is my bat wings.  Are they super bad?  Not really.  But, it's something that I can start to obsess over when I wear anything sleeveless.  I was hoping to commit to an arm workout routine in preparation for my sister's wedding last December.  But, that didn't happen.  So, now that my bestie has asked me to be in her wedding in the Fall of 2019, I wanted to find a routine that I will actually stick to, going forward.  I came across Tracey Campoli's YouTube videos a few weeks ago, and am officially obsessed.  Her videos aren't boring like others I've tried, and they're less than 10 minutes a piece!  Plus, two of the videos don't require any weights!  Which, for whatever reason, is a huge selling point for me. I realize that I should eventually do these routines more than once through as I get stronger, but for now... It's nice to know that I don

Happy 4th of July!!


You're Being Prepared...