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I'm Becoming a Hyggeligt!

It has been unseasonably cold in my area the last couple of weeks.  There was one morning last week when my weather app said, with wind chill, it felt like -5 degrees.  Negative 5 degrees people!  That is seriously cold!
With all the cold outside, it got me thinking about hygge.  I would like nothing more than to wrap up in a warm blanket, enjoy a hot cup of tea, and totally indulge in some lazy day pleasures.
While you can be a hyggeligt all year round, winter is the optimal season.  Hygge is really about a feeling of contentment.  It’s an appreciation for the slowing down of your fast paced life, taking time to be fully present, and really just enjoying the moment you are in.

One of the things that I want to be better about, is embracing the moment.  So what if I had planned to clean out my closet last weekend, and only eat salad.  It was ridiculously cold, and I decided to live in the moment and take the opportunity to do all those things that I enjoy doing during those blistery cold days.  Because, let's be honest.  If I tried to achieve this same feeling in May, it would not be as delightful.  Plus, I always feel so guilty for staying in when it's nice outside!  

I decided to put together a list of things that can be done in order to enjoy the winter season.  I'm really tired of being miserable and negative about the cold weather.  I'll never be a cold weather type of person.  But, there is certainly something to appreciate about this time of year.

Dress Appropriately! 
I love the saying, "There is no bad weather, only bad clothing."  For whatever reason, I have always just thrown on a sweater and some jeans thinking that would be sufficient, but then would still be freezing!  I don't know why it never dawned on me to actually wear more clothes.  I guess I was worried that I would feel like Randy in a Christmas Story, and be whining that I can't put my arms down.  But, I'll tell you what... wearing a simple camisole or tank under my sweaters has made a world of difference.  I feel so much warmer and more comfortable now!  I've also started carrying my ballet flats in my purse, while commuting to work in my UGG boots.  Wow.  It's like commuting in slippers.  I can't believe I've gone so many years without wearing the appropriate attire in the winter months.  I'm never going back to my old ways!

Enjoy Comfort Food  
I love to eat.  And, with each season, I relish in the ability to eat those things I only really eat that time of year.  In the winter, I enjoy comfort foods.  You know... the ones that warm you up from the inside out.  So, in the spirit of enjoying the winter season, I'm enjoying things like chili and hot tea without the guilt.  However, I feel the need to say that I'm not over-indulging.

At Home Spa Day
This time of year, my skin always freaks out.  My face is dry and flaky, and I have dry patches and cracked skin all over my legs and arms.  I really just want to soak in a vat of coconut oil until spring.  An at home spa day is just the perfect way to pamper yourself, while taking care of your skin.  I like to make my own body scrub from brown sugar, vanilla extract, and coconut oil.  It removes all those dead skin cells, and really moisturizes the skin underneath.  I've also been doing face masks more regularly, and am enjoying slathering on a nice thick moisturizer after a hot shower or soak in the tub.

Make A Date With Friends
I'm really bad about going into hibernation mode in the winter.  As soon as I get home from work, I put on some warm clothes, curl up under a blanket on the couch, and proceed to do everything I have to accomplish that evening from that position.  Hygge can actually be achieved alone or with friends or family.  And, even though I have to really motivate myself to get out, especially when it's so cold, I'm always so much happier when I've spent time with my friends.  

Get Outside!
This kind of seems a little counter-intuitive, but getting outside and soaking up some vitamin D is the perfect mood lifter.  As long as you dress appropriately, getting out and taking a walk will actually be quite pleasurable.  I'm planning to take advantage of my lunch break when I can and get out, even if it's only for 15-20 minutes.          


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