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Showing posts from January, 2018

Keep Going On Your Journey

  We hear all the time that life is a journey.  That even though, when we get frustrated because things aren't happening as quickly as we'd like, we have to remember that change takes time.  Well, I'm going to state the obvious... Waiting to see results is not pleasant !! I am not a patient person.  It's so frustrating to think that all the effort I'm putting into developing new habits, gaining new perspective, and deepening my faith will eventually lead to a great life, and eternal life.  What I have found helpful is to think of one of those old fashioned scales.  I put love, deep relationships, and eternal life on one side, and all of my worldly desires on the other, to include fancy clothes, eating our regularly, and exotic trips.  We have to always remember what is really important to us, whatever that my be.  Is it more important to have deep, loving relationships, or bury my hurt feelings with things designed to just make me feel good for a short per

Ask Yourself... Why?

I have a rather embarrassing confession.  For the longest time, when I discovered that I had a problem in an area, I would try to find ways to stop and work around what I was doing or feeling.  Which initially sounds good.  To a degree, it even felt right.  However, the fact is though, this was only creating coping mechanisms. I am Miss Coping Mechanism. I wasn't actually working through my issues, and discovering why I was feeling a certain way.  I just bull dozed over my feelings.  I told myself these feelings were bad and unacceptable to feel, and that I needed to start feeling differently about whatever the situation was if I ever wanted to be happy. So, I forced myself to feel a certain way about things, because I knew that's how good people were supposed to feel about it. Unfortunately by doing this, I've developed metaphorical calluses.  I can tell I am colder, and more matter of fact about certain things, more so than I was in the past.  On my darkest da

Raise Your Standards

Habits of Wealthy People

At the beginning of each year, I make what seems to be a foolish promise to myself that that year will be the year I gain financial freedom.  That I will stop worrying about whether I've spent too much on eating out, or whether I'm using too much electricity at home.  Personally, I don't think we ever stop worrying about money.  I do, however, believe there are ways to be more efficient so that you can not only feel like you're living and not constantly sacrificing, but also be fiscally responsible. Habits are the foundation for developing good personal standards and principles, as well as ultimately helping us in reaching our long-term goals.  So, in my quest to find ways to save more money, I came across the below videos, which points out some habits of wealthy people.  I'm already doing some things,but I can definitely improve in multiple areas.  I know I've said it on this blog before, but I watch way too much TV.  And, instead of always seeing how I can

There is No Gain Without Struggle

We all struggle with something.  In our moments of struggle, it's impossible to think that other people could possibly be feeling the same hurt, frustration, and loneliness we are.  Remember you are not alone.  Struggling is a part of being human.  Without it, we would not appreciate the good things that we have.  Today, recognize that without struggle, we are not driven to be better.  You are better today, than you were yesterday.  Just keep going!  Keep taking steps every day to work towards your goals of personal development. 

I'm Becoming a Hyggeligt!

It has been unseasonably cold in my area the last couple of weeks.   There was one morning last week when my weather app said, with wind chill, it felt like -5 degrees.   Negative 5 degrees people!  That is seriously cold! !    With all the cold outside, it got me thinking about hygge.  I would like nothing more than to wrap up in a warm blanket, enjoy a hot cup of tea, and totally indulge in some lazy day pleasures.   While you can be a hyggeligt all year round, winter is the optimal season.  Hygge is really about a feeling of contentment.   It’s an appreciation for the slowing down of your fast paced life, taking time to be fully present, and really just enjoying the moment you are in. One of the things that I want to be better about, is embracing the moment.  So what if I had planned to clean out my closet last weekend, and only eat salad.  It was ridiculously cold, and I decided to live in the moment and take the opportunity to do all those things that I enjoy doing duri

Hey there, Supergirl!

Well, hello Monday!  I used to look at Monday as the worst day of the week.  It was the first of five days I had to survive in order to get to the weekend.  But, it a new day to work on our goals!  Unfortunately, the world can also throw us curve balls, and keep us distracted from the things that are most important.  So,keep your head up.  You are better than the people that negatively affect you.  You are Super Girl!  You are not given anything that you can't overcome and work past.  So, don't think the challenges you are facing are going to consume you.

Lessons from a Maid of Honor

My sister is officially a  married woman!  Her wedding day was absolutely perfect, and I feel so blessed that she asked me to be a part of it. As with all experiences, there were some very valuable lessons to take away from the event, and I wanted to share them.  Go with the flow.  This was a big one for me.  I will plan things out in my head, and then get disappointed when they don't happen the way that I plan.  There were a few special things that I was hoping to do to show my sister how much I love her and support her, but unfortunately didn't work out.  And, I had to take a deep breath, and say, oh well... this day is not about me. Be there when the bride is getting ready.  It is your responsibility to make sure the bride stays hydrated, has eaten something, and run interference if there is someone or something stressing her out.  It is also your responsibility to take pictures of her getting ready.  The photographer normally comes as the bride is putting on her dre

It's True!

Happy 2018! The new year is finally here, and with that comes with a new 30 days of Yoga with Adriene series!  Today is more like an intro video, but I'm super excited to see what the rest of the month will bring.  I've been doing Adriene's January yoga series' for a few years now, and I just think it's the best way to start a new year.  Will you join me in kicking the year off with a little yoga?