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Showing posts from April, 2016


This morning I was feeling really sorry for myself.   I just wanted to cry.   I constantly feel like a huge disappointment to my friends, family, and co-workers.   The fact that I’m pretty much past child bearing age, meaning that I won’t be giving my parents a grandchild weighs on me.   And, I don’t even know that I want kids!   I was hurt because the one person in the whole world, whom I love and so badly want to make a life with, won’t give me the one thing that I need… a hug.   A two minute snuggle session, just so that I felt like I wasn’t doing everything on my own.   I can’t seem to get time away from work.   I’m constantly busy.   The people that I call friends can't seem to make time for me.  And all this, is just the tip of the iceberg.   (I could seriously go on a self-centered rant for like an hour.)    I was feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted, unable to give anything else.   And, the fact that I couldn’t be excited to chat with some co-workers this morning m

Earth Week

I recently realized that even though I consider a small part of myself to be a tree hugging hippie, I don’t even recycle!   When I realized what I was doing it really upset me because it really doesn’t take any extra effort to recycle.   Why can I be so lazy and oblivious?   So, I’m really excited that this week is Earth Week because it’s given me a reason to find more Earth friendly habits to adopt.   Conserve water by turning off the water while I’m washing my dishes, as opposed to just letting it run. Continue to make my own cleaning products. Plant another tomato plant this year.   Last year I planted too many plants in too small a pot and they suffocated each other.   This year, I’m hoping for a better outcome. Recycle! (Obviously) Eat less meat, and more veggies.

Spring Cleaning

Spring is officially here!  I took this photo a couple weeks ago.  The cherry blossom trees have now lost their beautiful blossoms and are now sprouting leaves!  I love the change in season.   Appropriately, spring cleaning has been something of an ongoing task lately.  Not only have I been keeping a cleaner apartment in general, I've also been tossing things that I don't use or need.  Getting rid of the excess stuff is just a preliminary step in the moving process for me personally.  And, I'm excited to report that I've been actively house hunting.  I just have to find the right one for the right price.   Today, I tried something I've never done before.  I made and used my own all purpose cleaner!  It's no big thing really when it comes down to it.  But, it feels good to be able to say that not only am I doing something good for my wallet, I'm also doing something healthy for my living environment and therefore, my body.  I found the below recipe onl


In researching the background and history of yoga, it seemed quite natural that the next thing to explore was chakras.   There are many websites out there explaining what chakras are, but to put it in simple terms chakras are essentially are points of energy within the body.   These centers affect our thoughts, and our thoughts or perceptions of experiences in our life affect how our bodies operate, whether it be a specific organ function, our immune system and/or our emotions. The word chakra in Sanskrit literally means wheel.   You can picture a chakra like a spinning wheel or vortex of energy, each with its own vibrations and color.   These chakras can either be blocked or overactive, both causing issues within our minds and bodies.   The key, as with everything, is to find balance within our chakras.   The seven major Chakras include: Root Chakra Color: Red Element: Earth Location: Base of the spine Functions: Safety and grounding Sacral Chakra Color: Or

A Bad Day...

Sometimes it feels like a knife in my heart...

Happy April Fools' Day!

I'm not a very creative person, and have never come up with something truly funny to do to my friends, family, or any roommates I've had over the years.  Maybe one day I'll be able to put some of the ideas below to good use.  Until then... these are just amusing.