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Showing posts from September, 2015

The Smoker

Picture this.   It’s a beautiful summer evening.   I’m sitting on a restaurant deck enjoying some good food, good drinks, and a great conversation with one of my all-time favorite people.   And then…   someone next to our table lights up.   My nose and eyes start to burn and my food starts to not taste as good.   I immediately feel my emotions rise and my mood sour.   Despite the fact that the person lighting up is pretty cool, I immediately start to look down on them and judge them.   Do they not know how they are affecting me, and everyone else on the patio who might be trying to enjoy the fresh evening air?   And, I absolutely hate those people that just say, “Well, you can leave.”   Like, it’s the smoker’s way, or the highway. I can think of countless instances like this.   Like, I hate everyone in my building that smokes, particularly the pot smokers.   They stink!   And, I find it incredibly invasive because it comes into my apartment and there’s nothing I can do about

The Taste of Fall

All of a sudden it’s fall.   It’s like a switch was flipped.   The nights are cooler (well, I think they’re down right cold) and the days are shorter.   I’m wearing light jackets, and thoroughly enjoying the new trench coat the I picked up back in August.   Today I had my first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season.   And, it was amazing.   I’m so excited that fall is here.   I just love all the spices and flavors in fall seasonal food.   I’m looking forward to trying out some very delicious looking recipes that I’ve been saving for cooler weather, and partaking in some fall-ish activties.   I just hope it doesn’t get too cold too soon!

Why can't it be raining?

Ugh!   Why can’t it be raining!?   I’ve felt this way numerous times, over the last countless weekends.   I have no desire to do anything but lay around, sleep, and basically avoid people in as many ways as possible.   And, when it’s beautiful and sunny out… I feel so guilty for not leaving my apartment and enjoying the day outside, which makes me feel even worse. I suffer from what is known as the weekend blues.   How can the weekend make anyone blue?   Well, I assure you… it’s possible!   According to a very wise psychiatrist who wrote a great book, the weekend blues happens when a person (typically a single person) feels down or depressed because they face their greatest emotional difficulties when alone. For me, it’s because it’s the time of the week when it’s so glaringly obvious that I’m single, and that it feels like I have no one to hang out with.   Most of my friends have moved away, or have families of their own to take care of, and the man that I love, well… it didn


Seriously!?   Is it really September already??   I can’t believe that another fall season is approaching once again.   And while I’m getting psyched for pumpkin spice latte’s and fall jackets, I’m upset with myself.   Other than a few great dinner dates with friends and an amazing vacation that I took at the end of August, I really don’t have anything to show for this year.   So, for the month of September I thought I would make a list of goals that I want to accomplish.   Since it’s already the 10 th , and I’m traveling this weekend, this month’s list is a little shorter than what I hope future months will look like.   So here it is… Set-up a dinner date with some girlfriends. See if I can set-up a time to hang out with my sister. Start the process of selling gently used clothes and shoes that I don't wear anymore, or that I've never worn. Detail my car. Label and organize my vacation photos. Sign up for Bible Study. Get back into my exercise routine.  I didn&#

Some things I wanted to share...

I recently had a rather dramatic falling out with someone.  And, while I think we can both admit that as relationship partners we were not compatible, I still hope that we can at some point be friends.  It's only been a couple of days, but since that time, the thing I miss the most is not being able to share funny things that I come across during the day and hear him laugh.  Below are some YouTube videos that I eventually hope to show my friend. The Farting Hippo: And, the Sleepy Puppy, who doesn't want to get up to go to work with it's owner.

Detox Drink

I’m not a fan of cooking.   I used to joke that the only thing I really know how to make in the kitchen is reservations.   I’m not a horrible cook.   I have a few dishes that I actually make pretty well, but seriously, I really don’t find any peace or pleasure in cooking.   I do it for the sole reason that I need to eat to you know… live.   After I’ve eaten poorly for a few days or even a few weeks (like this past week), there’s a great drink that requires absolutely no cooking, and does not dirty a blender, food processor, or juicer.   You simply throw everything into a glass or mason jar, give it a stir and voila! I found this lovely recipe on Pinterest. 1 glass of water (12-16 oz.) 2 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar 2 Tbsp. lemon juice 1 Tsp Cinnamon 1 dash Cayenne Pepper Stevia to taste