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Showing posts from July, 2015

Weekly Goals

After I treated myself so poorly last week, I was really hoping to kick this week’s ass.   Alas, it kicked mine.   I really didn’t pick up the exercise the way I hoped and I continued to eat out pretty regularly, which I prefer not to do.   All for the sake of getting away from my desk and out of the office, if only for the 15 minutes it takes to go and pick up some food and come back and get back to the daily grind. I’m not sure if I lack discipline or just the desire to be better.   I know that when I get in my “funks” as I call them, I just go through the motions of the day, not really caring about anything.   I’ll just do the bare minimum and make excuses as to why I can’t possibly be expected to do something.   But, I do want to be better.   I know I need to push myself.   I certainly don’t want to be an average woman.   I want to be something exceptional and special.   And, those people don’t quit.   They don’t sit back and whine because something isn’t going there way.

I Fell Off the Wagon... Again.

This week I fell off the wagon… for the umpteenth time.   I had such a good flow of regular exercise and decent eating habits going there for a couple of weeks.   And, then, this week happened. My job is very cyclical, and every quarter my job goes from busy, to crazy, to insane.   I feel like a chicken with their head cut off.   In fact, it’s like I have no brain in my head at all because I can’t remember things from one minute to the next.   I’ve heard someone once refer to it as drinking from a fire hose.   And, on some days that is a very accurate analogy. This week I noticed that I was constantly trying to find some small form of pleasure.   I bought multiple Starbucks coffees when I normally don’t drink anything caffeinated.   I ate things that weren’t necessarily good for me, and I overate on top of that.   I can’t even tell you the last time I had a chocolate bar, but I did this week.   The sad part is that I knew I wouldn’t feel good after eating it.   And, sure enou

The Wonders of Honey

It’s pretty common knowledge that honey is made by bees.   But, my question is, HOW honey is made by bees, and is there anything in this process that makes honey so special?   Honey has been such a healing property in my life that I tell everyone I know about it.   After doing some research, I don’t know that the process of how honey is made has anything to do with its incredible healing properties, but I found it fascinating.   Honey is made by several different species of bees or in some cases wasps, but the type that we humans tend to consume is that of the honey bee, or the genus Apis.   Essentially, a worker bee goes out and drinks liquid nectar from a flower and stores it within the honey stomach, which is different than the regular stomach.   (Thank goodness, because otherwise… ew!)   The bee will go to multiple flowers until the honey stomach is full.   The honey stomach has enzymes that break down the complex sugars of the nectar into simple sugars.   Once the bee